Monday, April 1, 2024

Page 3552

It was a waste of perfectly good subjects for future experimentation, but they were the ones trying to push him into a corner here. This was what happened when you refused the Mad Demon’s mercy.

When the Vannies noticed the Roberts, their ranks distorted instantly. Ehehe. Perhaps his little metal boys had left them with a bit of trauma? Funny, considering how old and powerful these uppity generals were supposed to be.

One, two, three captured piggies. Easy as pie. The projections really did work wonders, didn’t they? Ah, Iceheart set about trying to free his companions immediately. Surprisingly warm of him, considering his reputation. Must’ve thought they were important.

Wasn’t going well for the icy boy, though. Lad wasn’t at his best, at the moment. Morgunov had made sure to infest him with plenty of little saboteurs, just as he’d done for Jackson. Didn’t want Iceheart feeling left out, if he managed to survive all this.

Impressively, though, Iceheart was still managing to avoid capture himself. Hmm. Not being deceived by the Mk. IIIs’ projections, huh? Interesting. Why might that be? Had that fellow developed aura sight while Morgunov wasn’t looking? Finally seeing a bit more of the world, perhaps? Not letting that closed-mindedness of his continue to win out?

Eh. Doubtful.

Oop. Dog was back. Barreling toward him with that huge body like a torpedo. Ah, but Gohvis was intercepting again, allowing Morgunov to retain some of his breathing room.

Morgunov still wasn’t buying it, though. Rather than moving to assist Gohvis, he kept running and devoted some thoughts to why the Monster might be pretending to go against his own mutant cronies, right now.

The main reason why Morgunov had not been able to deal with the enigmatic problem of Germal years ago was because the Liar had the protection of not only Koh but also Gohvis. So had the Liar lost Gohvis’ favor?

Maybe, but Morgunov could see Gohvis pulling his punches here, too. If Germal had truly angered the Monster, then this scenario would be playing out quite differently, right now. That wouldn’t just be a psychic projection over there. That would be the real Monster.

So what was the goal here, then?


To trick the Mad Demon, obviously.

But it wouldn’t work.

Morgunov could sense. Morgunov could see.

The mayhem of the fight was increasing to a feverous pitch. Those familiar packets of floating light were beginning to appear. Whispers of freed energy.

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