Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Page 3565

“A stalemate does not favor you here,” said Germal.

“Oh? And how would you know that? I’m sure you have no perception of time, either. For all you know, this could last a good long while for us in here before anyone out there is able to interfere. Or even forever! Eheh! Now wouldn’t that be something?! Trapped together for eternity!”

“You would never abide such an arrangement.”

“Nor would you, I imagine!”

The Liar made no response.

Morgunov pondered the situation a bit more on his own, trying to assess himself. His thoughts may have been greatly diminished in this space, but he still felt like he had access to the full breadth of his memories. And his personality still felt entirely intact, for what that was worth.

Yes. It was really just his body that was missing. Interesting.

A root cause attack should have, theoretically, been suppressing every new thought, even these ones. He supposed it was because he’d pulled Germal in with him that it wasn’t working properly. Either that, or that ancient text had been full of shit. What had it been called again?

Of Minds and Manipulation, by Harundel the Greater.

Ah, yes. One of those silly Harundels. Perhaps that made sense.

“Still reading my mind, Liar?”

“I am flattered that you continue to overestimate my abilities,” said Germal.

“Mmhmm, mmhmm. That’s right. Never stop trying to downplay yourself. Always seek to make your enemies underestimate you. Eheh. Did I teach you that? Surely not. Doesn’t sound like me. So where’d you learn it from, hmm? You can tell me. Who was your mentor?”

“Oh, I’ve had many.”

“Yeah? Who was the most impactful, then?”

“I couldn’t possibly choose just one.”

“Mm,” hummed Morgunov. “Or perhaps you’ve had none at all? That’s another way of thinking about it, isn’t it? If you have enough teachers, then you cease taking after any of them, eh? You achieve that all-important originality, eh?”

“You flatter me again, ledo.”

“Ooh, the honorific! Who’s flattering whom now?!” Morgunov broke for chortle. “Y’know, I’ve learned a thing or two about some of those curious words you use. Words I’ve never heard anyone else use.”

“Is that right?”

“Sure is. What, did you think I haven’t been observing you over the years? You may be a sneaky boy, but you’re far from the first to hide from me. And honestly, you’re not even that good at it. Gotten too comfortable behind that big pupper of yours, I’d wager.”

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