Sunday, April 7, 2024

Page 3558

No. The solution was to trick the feldeath. A much simpler task, especially when it was already obsessed with killing him.

All he had to do was slap some of his own soul power onto the others. As long as he amassed enough of it, the feldeath would treat them just like him and try to kill them, too.

Easy. Especially for the ones who were already infested with his little nano-pals. Those unlucky bastards were truly screwed here. He might’ve even felt slightly bad for them, if he didn’t find it so thoroughly amusing.

The feldeath’s first attack was not long to arrive. And it was a speedy one, too. Enough so, in fact, that had he not been anticipating it this whole time, Morgunov might well have gotten hit.

Dark beams with vaporizing force. Lasers that emitted no light of their own. Which further meant that they were completely invisible to the naked eye, unless light was already present in the area to reveal their shadowy form. And in the Nightspinner’s oppressive darkness, even soul senses and aura sight could not pick up the slack quick enough.

Thankfully, these weren’t nearly as fast as real laser beams. If they were, then reacting to them would’ve been entirely impossible without a predictive insight.

The beam that came for him sheared the rock below his feet away as if it were no more resilient than butter, leaving behind a molten groove that could have fit a highway inside it.

And that beam had not been alone. Several of his pursuers received one just like it, and many did not fare as well as he.

Two or three of them seemed to have been deleted from existence. But he was fairly sure that they had not been dumb enough to bring their reapers along. Surely, these Vannie generals would’ve known better than that, right? Even if they thought they’d had the upper hand against him for a moment there, they couldn’t have been that silly.

If not, though, then that would be quite funny. And well-deserved.

Ah, but the damn dog was still on his ass. Even with Kallmakk being all menacing over there, the pooch was still locked in on him, eh. Not that Morgunov had expected anything less. Gohvis couldn’t be relied upon to truly hurt his mutant pals.

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