Friday, February 26, 2021

Page 3037

Morgunov was glad. He didn't have the heart to tell the reaper that it wouldn't have mattered, either way. If the emperor really wanted to, he could've just compelled Qorvass to do what he wanted through sheer force of will alone.

That would've been way less fun, though. He greatly enjoyed making others wrestle with moral decisions. He always felt like he was observing a primitive alien's thought process when he did that.

It was adorable the way they never seemed to understand how meaningless their ethical struggles were. And not just because he had the power to overturn any choice they made, either.

Morgunov was trying to be more careful with Asad's body now, though--like he had been at the beginning, before one of the Roberts had brought Qorvass to him. After having thought the reaper had escaped, that little present had been quite the pleasant surprise. Especially because Parsey Boy was still under the impression that Qorvass had gotten away.

He liked being able to keep another secret from him. That cunning monkey was fun to play with, but dangerous. But fun. But dangerous. But the danger was also what made him so fun. The longer Morgunov let him live, the more threatening Parson Miles would become. But the more fun, too.

Eheheh. It was a real pickle of a situation with that guy.

He could probably put it off for a few more years, at least. Or maybe just let him see how far he could go. Maybe he'd usurp ol' Sermy, one day. Wouldn't that be neat?

Morgunov wondered how Parson would've handled Qorvass' little dilemma. The lad had a callous streak, that was for sure. Learned from Overra and Iceheart, no doubt. Which was yet another of Morgunov's playthings, at the moment.

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