Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Page 3019 -- CCLXI.

'It's good that you're awake now,' said Garovel, 'but I also have a feeling that one of the reasons the Rainlords haven't made their move yet is because they were waiting for you.'

'I kinda doubt that, Garovel.'

'Do you? Hmph, well, of course you do. Look, I'm not saying it's the only reason. They're definitely trying to pick their moment. They wouldn't tell you this in so many words, but I get the impression that they're terrified of running in half-cocked and letting even more people get captured.'

That was somewhat relieving to hear, at least.

'Obviously, it would be best if the team that we already have in Vantalay was able to free the other Houses without us needing to send any more reinforcements.'

'Would that even be possible?'

'That's what the Rainlords have been trying to figure out. It's a complicated situation with a lot of details that I need to tell you. Before we got too deep into it, I'm sure there other things you're curious about, hmm?'

He was right, Hector knew. 'The Forge. What's been happening with Abbas and the Forge?'

Garovel fell silent a moment. 'Heh.'

Hector paused, listening even more intently all of a sudden.

'It's up and running. Abbas has been working with it nonstop.'

Chapter Two Hundred Sixty-One: 'O, riving serpent...'
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Raul Blackburn had been busy.

The situation in Vantalay was more precarious than ever, but his determination to not let everyone down was stronger than ever, too.

The moment he'd heard that his captive kin would be coming here, everything had changed. His priorities. His strategy. His entire attitude toward this operation.

He was calm. Calmer than he'd ever felt in his life. His sense of purpose was so clear that all other worries had seemed to melt away.

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