But then again, nothing had really gone the way it was supposed to ever since they arrived in this crazy land. Originally, they'd only been sent to gather information on the Sword of Unso and possibly retrieve it. But then the war broke out, and they were suddenly tasked with checking on the little town of Miro. Then his brothers were captured. Then reinforcements arrived to help him rescue them. Then a rather secretive group of strangers appeared and gave them aberration-harvested Invisibility rings.
And even after all the action they'd seen, even after recovering his brothers Adan and Esai, the stalemate over Miro had not changed.
That was why they had decided to adjust their tactics. The Blackburn Triplets had been tasked with gathering intel again while the rest of the group remained behind to hold Miro.
It was a risk, of course. The Lady Evangelina Stroud had not seemed terribly pleased with the idea, and Raul couldn't exactly fault her for it, either, considering two of them had gotten captured before. She had every reason to be worried about a repeat of that scenario.
But it was still the right move, Raul felt, and he was glad his elders had decided to go for it. The Triplets weren't all that useful in holding Miro. That was largely up to Leo and Cousin Melchor. The brothers' talents were better utilized this way.
And he didn't just feel that way because it had let him return to Ridgemark for a few days and enjoy a bit more of that luxury. That had certainly been a nice bonus, though, after camping under the stars almost every night and participating in pitched battles with a bunch of violent psychopaths.
Sadly, Ridgemark had proved more difficult to indulge in this time.