Now, Donald Elias was sitting across a campfire from him, deep in the Vantalayan wilderness.
It was actually kind of terrifying how easy it had been to break the guy out. Invisibility really was dangerous. Even with the ring's limitations, being able to just waltz into a hostile stronghold unchallenged was just insane.
The more time he spent with this Invisibility, the more impressed he was by the fact that Lord Goffe had apparently been able to fight off dozens of invisible enemies single-handedly back at Dunehall.
It made sense, though. He'd heard a rumor that Lord Goffe had unusually sharp senses--as if he had eyes in the back of his head, some said.
Raul could at least rest a bit easier knowing that Warrenhold wouldn't be caught off guard like Dunehall had. With Lord Goffe and all the Houses being well aware of the threat posed by aberrations with this type of power, he had confidence that anyone who tried that tactic on them a second time would be in for a rude awakening.
Unfortunately, the rest of the world wasn't like Warrenhold.
Donald, for his part, was a gray-bearded man with a deeply sunken gaze. His pallid face looked like it hadn't seen sunlight in ages, and he was so thin that he bordered on malnourished.
The man was sharp, though. When Raul had appeared in front of him, the guy hadn't made a fuss, asked any questions, or otherwise looked a gift horse in the moth. He'd cooperated as easily as could be. But once they were a safe distance away from the prison, he'd been full of probing questions, not all of which Raul could answer.
The man was up to speed by now. For the most part. Raul hadn't explained that he was a Rainlord, only that he was an ally of Atreya, working under Lord Goffe.
Donald had no idea who that was, apparently, which Raul found surprising, but whatever.