Sunday, February 14, 2021

Page 3006

~~Valentine's Day Special - (page 1 of 8)~~
Moreover, servants didn't actually need to breathe underwater. Their brains didn't require oxygen. It was just a matter of comfort and convenience, really. Plus, his mutant predisposition was for birds, not fish. It was a pretty dumb mutation overall, and at times, he found himself regretting it.

Maybe he'd take another crack at refining it one day, though. His whole reason for even attempting it in the first place was to help him overcome his fear of the ocean, and he supposed in that sense, it had proved somewhat helpful.

A Vaelish boy afraid of the sea? It was an absurdity. Or should've been. If his people's culture hadn't been shredded nearly to the point of extinction.


His heritage hadn't mattered for a long time. It was stupid to get sentimental about it.

But that was what the ocean did to him. Reminded him of the past, of life he barely remembered.

Just one more reason why he hated it so much.

This port town of Ritoro was a welcome sight, at least. He'd never visited Steccat before. He could see why the eastern Eloan coast was so praised for its beauty. Pale white sands filled the oceanic horizon, and scores of slender palm trees lined most of the buildings and sidewalks.

When departing from Eloa to Ardora before, he'd flown out of Vantalay, but with travel there having become so difficult, Steccat was apparently the next best option.

Most of this country was rich and well-guarded, and he'd always thought that Abolish's influence here was limited, but if they were able to waltz into it so easily, then maybe that wasn't the case.

Perhaps this was the Freeman Fellowship's influence. They were obviously far from normal Abolishers.

And he was now one of them. Or soon would be. He wasn't too clear on that point, yet. He'd technically accepted the invitation from the Gentleman of Palei, but there was probably some sort of induction ceremony that he had to go through first.

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