Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Page 2996

As he tried to find his way through the compound, he overheard a surprising variety of languages. Valgan, Mohssian, Gishi, and even a bit of what sounded to him like Tharish.

Raul was only fluent in Mohssian and Valgan, but he knew a little Gishi, too. Along with Kotaka, Maricot, and Vaelish. If that was really Tharish he was hearing, then did that mean they were hosting foreign guests here? As far as he knew, Tharish wasn't even spoken on Eloa. It was an Ardoran language.

He hadn't come here to spy on the VMP, but he was suddenly growing curious. His current objective was merely to keep making his way north, but his overall purpose here in Vantalay was to gather information, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to listen a little harder for anything interesting. At least until he managed to find the exit, that was.

Most of the conversations were just the soldiers talking to each other, usually to complain. Hmm. Morale didn't seem very high here.

Maybe the war wasn't going well for their side.

The VMP was the primary armed force of the Vantalayan government. The VMP, therefore, was the main aggressor in the invasion of Vantalay's neighbor, Czacoa. Supposedly, Abolish was here to support them, but Raul had yet to see any actual evidence of that. So far, he'd only seen the bastards attempting to exploit the civilians in Miro.

Maybe things were different in northern Vantalay, closer to the war front with Czacoa. In the south, at least, he suspected that the reason Abolish wasn't moving to help the VMP was because of the Vanguard's presence in Ridgemark. If Abolish started giving obvious support, then the RPMP would be more likely to side with the Vanguard against them instead of merely remaining neutral.

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