Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Page 2095

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
Mara shifted some papers on her clipboard. "I have some candidates in mind who I think would be a good fit for the position. And not to worry, I have only considered lowborn individuals. Anyone with ties to the aristocracy would be riskier regarding information leaks, which I know you are quite concerned about. And regarding money, I believe--"

"Ms. Rogers," said Hector. "I... appreciate your diligence, but I have no plans to get married."

"I was not under the impression that you did, Lord, but it is still good to be mindful of the future."

He had to admire her determination. "...You really want me to hire a chamberlain that badly, huh?"

Mara adjusted her glasses. "I do, Lord."

Hector took a deliberate breath. "Will doing so make your job easier?"

"Ah--" She hesitated for the first time that Hector had seen. "Perhaps, yes, but I assure you, that was not my--"

"Fine. Show me your candidates."

For a moment, she just stood there, staring at him.

Hector glanced at Garovel, who had been chuckling beneath their conversation the whole time.

It took a while, but they went through the résumés of Mara's candidates and eventually chose three to interview. As they were wrapping up, Garovel decided to chime in.

'I like this woman,' he said. 'You should give her a promotion.'

Hector paused, for two reasons--the first being because he wasn't sure if Garovel was serious, and the second being because he'd actually been considering doing that himself. 'Do you really think so? Or are you just saying that?'

'When have I ever said something just to say it?'

'Only in every conversation we've ever had.'

'Promote her, dammit.'

Hector was watching her excuse herself and turn for the door. 'Are you sure? Because I will.'

'I bet you won't, you wimp.'

Hector gave the reaper a scrunched up expression, though accompanied by a smile. 'I'll do it right now.'

'Oho. Go on, then.'

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