Sunday, February 9, 2020

Page 2060

'That may be asking too much,' said Iziol.

'It may,' said Sentsia. 'But it can't hurt to be on the lookout, at least, no? We can figure out how to actually bring such people here safely and agreeably later. I imagine it will largely depend on the instructor-candidates' circumstances, anyway.'

'If we intend to go that far,' said Mevox, 'then we should just consider the project to be the establishment of an entirely new academy.'

'This is sounding more expensive by the second,' said Yovess.

'If we want well-qualified personnel from the outside world, we'll have to pay them,' said Mevox. 'Unless you want to kidnap them. Which I wouldn't be entirely averse to.'

'I would,' said Iziol flatly.

'Yes,' said Sentsia. 'But I do think that a formalized "academy" is a good idea as well. In fact, I would like to put forth Silvia's name as one of the instructors. She has experience with teaching, and--'

As Hector listened to the reapers' discussion, he didn't feel the need to interject. It sounded like they had things pretty well handled. And the idea of establishing an academy here at Warrenhold?

He didn't hate it. In fact, he kinda loved it. The kids here deserved a quality education for as long as they were being forced to remain here.

Though, as a high school dropout, maybe it was weird to be having an opinion like that.

Oh well.

The meeting lasted for a while longer, and he didn't say a single word more until the reapers eventually got around to asking if they had his approval to pursue this academy plan. And he certainly wasn't about to refuse them.

And with that, they finally dispersed, but the reapers' enthusiasm for the topics discussed remained apparent, and Hector could hear them continuing to plan amongst themselves as they left.

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