Monday, February 10, 2020

Page 2062

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
It felt like a bit of time passed as Hector teetered on the edge of sleep, sliding comfortably into its warm embrace, until Garovel's voice arrived again, still retaining the echo of privacy.

'Hey, uh, before you fall asleep, there's something I'd like your opinion on.'

'Mm?' was all Hector managed in response.

'It's something I've been conflicted about about for a while now. Ever since we were in Sair, actually.'


'And it's... kind of a big deal.'

Hector's eyes slid open once more, but he didn't sit up to look at the reaper again just yet. 'What is it?'

'I've been putting this off for a while, since there have been so many other things that have been taking precedence. Repeatedly. And, uh... I'll be honest. Maybe I should've told you about this sooner. Try not to get upset with me.'

'Garovel. What is it?'

'Well, it's not the easiest thing to explain. Um. It has to do with the Rainlords.'

Hector decided to sit up now as he waited for further elaboration.

'You remember in Luzo, after the battle at Marshrock? When the Rainlords were discussing how to move forward peacefully?'


'Remember when Ismael Blackburn explained how someone had used Ibai's status as an aberration against them? Blackmailing them, essentially? And basically kicking off all of the events that ended up forcing the Rainlords to flee here from their ancestral homeland?'


'Do you remember the name of that person Ismael said was blackmailing them?'

Hector was struggling. 'Er... not really.'

'Well, it was a very powerful man named Parson Miles. He holds the rank of captain general in the Vanguard. That means he only takes orders from eight people: the seven field marshals and Sermung himself.'


'Zeff also has quite the beef with him, you may recall. He and Evangelina both claim that Parson killed Socorra Garza, the head of House Garza, in addition to ordering the capture of Zeff's family, which led to the death of Zeff's wife, Mariana.'

Hector didn't like where this was going. 'Why are you bringing all this up, right now?'

Garovel looked abruptly hesitant. 'Because... I've actually met Parson Miles before.'

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