Monday, February 3, 2020

Page 2052

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
Diego wasn't technically the head of his family, but he and Evangelina were the only representatives of their respective Houses, and no one else seemed to object to his presence here.

Garovel started them off. 'Thank you all for coming. Hector and I have something very important we would like to ask everyone, but before we do, please allow me to make it clear that we completely understand if you decide to refuse us. We know that we are asking a lot.'

'You're makin' me antsy,' said Mevox, the reaper of Salvador Delaguna. 'No need for all the preemptive politeness. Just tell us what it is.'

Garovel looked to Hector, as did everyone else.

Honestly, Hector would have greatly preferred to just let Garovel handle everything, but they'd already talked this over and decided that they would both participate in the conversation. For some godforsaken reason, Garovel seemed to be under the impression that Hector had to be the one to tell everyone the basics of the idea. And if this group here were comprised of anyone else, Hector probably would've refused, but because it was the Rainlords--because it was these Rainlords, in particular--he felt like he could handle it.

It was still intensely uncomfortable with all their eyes on him, though.

"...We would like to start deploying small teams of servants on missions," said Hector, "for the purposes of gathering both resources and intelligence."

A few of the heads seemed surprised and exchanged looks with one another. However, Dimas Sebolt and Salvador Delaguna did not.

Those two, along with Horatio Blackburn, made up the most important three in this regard. More than ninety-five percent of the Rainlords currently staying in Warrenhold belonged to those three families. Perhaps some version of this idea had already occurred to them.

Dimas' reaper, Iziol, asked the first question. 'Start deploying them where, exactly?'

'Wherever we need them to go,' said Garovel. 'All over the world, potentially.'

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