Friday, February 14, 2020

Page 2075

~~The Valentine's Days Special -- (page 9 of 12)~~
'And how old is Parson?' said Hector.

'From what I was able to tell, he was at least a hundred, and that was sixty-ish years ago, so... do the math.'

'I see...'

'Oh, wait, you're terrible at math, aren't you? Maybe that was me asking too much.'

'I can do simple addition!'

'You sure about that?'

'Yes! You're saying he's at least a hundred and sixty!'

'Wow, good job.' The reaper almost sounded genuinely impressed, no doubt trying to enhance the obnoxiousness. 'I'm really proud of you.'

'Shut up,' laughed Hector. 'I'm not THAT bad at math. Agh.'

'Mm, I dunno. I recall an instance several months ago where I was telling you about how many languages I knew. I said three hundred, and then you pointed out that it wasn't very impressive, because I was three thousand years old, so that worked out to "only like one new language every hundred years." Those were your exact words, by the way.'

Hector's brow lowered as he thought back. 'I don't remember this at all.'

'Mmhmm. Three thousand divided by three hundred is ten, not a hundred. You added a zero there, buddy.'

'I'm sure that never happened. You would've roasted me if it had, and then I would definitely remember it.'

'The reason I didn't say anything at the time was because we were still getting to know each other, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings. But that's not a concern anymore, as I've come to realize just how much doing that brings me joy.'

'Well, I don't even recall what you're talking about, so no hurt feelings for you.'


'But anyway, if soul power doesn't grow as quickly for older servants, does that mean that Melchor could fight Parson on an even level?'

'That's a very good question. And one that I do not have the answer for.'

'Really? Not even a guess?'

'I can give you a hard maybe.'


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