Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Page 2063 -- CCVII.

Chapter Two Hundred Seven: 'In a time of crossings...'
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Hector's eyes were wide. 'What do you mean you've met him before?'

The reaper shrugged. 'What do you think I mean? I met him while I was working with the Vanguard. Him and his reaper both. Her name's Overra.'

'And you're only bringing this up NOW?'

'Like I said, there's been a lot of shit going on since that meeting in Luzo, and I've been trying to figure out what I should do with this information.'

'Well, you should probably tell the Rainlords,' said Hector.

'Yeah, I'm not sure it's that simple, buddy.'

'Why not?'

'Because I'm mildly concerned that they'll try to use me to lure Parson Miles into a trap so that they can kill him. And that's not the kind of heat we need, right now.'

Hector's face twisted a little, confused. 'Why would they try to do that? It's not like you have any way of getting in contact with him, right?

Garovel made no response.

Hector's jaw clenched. '...Right?'

The reaper's bony jaw opened, but it took him a few more moments to actually say anything. 'I might know of a way.'

Hector sighed and put his head in both of his hands.

'And there's another problem,' said Garovel. 'Parson and Overra, as I remember them, were pretty good people. So even though I understand the Rainlords' position, I'm not sure I want to help them ambush and murder the two of them. Assuming they even COULD, that is. Which is a whole other conversation, by the way.'

Hector still had no idea what to say.

'So, uh. As you can tell, I'm in a bit of an ethical pickle here. And maybe a philosophical one, as well.'

Hector raised his head a little. 'Philosophical? What do you mean?'

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