Friday, February 24, 2023

Page 3232 -- CCLXXIV.

Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Four: 'O, twinkling Visitor...'
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With breath in his lungs and air all around him for his voice to carry, Hector spoke his first question. "Who are you?"

'A reasonable thing to ask, but perhaps we should both avoid answering that.'

What the--? Impulsively, Hector wanted to ask why, but then he took a moment to mull it over. This voice didn't wish to identify itself? Why might that be? One reason came immediately to mind.

Perhaps the voice belonged to someone with a lot of enemies, and they feared that Hector might unknowingly be one. So they were trying to be cautious in their approach.


He could still press a little more before just assuming that, he supposed. "Why? It's impolite not to introduce yourself, you know."

'Rudeness is the least of your concerns, I should think. Unless I am mistaken and you came to be in this place intentionally?'

"Well, let's just say I'm wary of strangers no matter where I go." It didn't help that he still couldn't see. As far as the Scarf was telling him, there were no physical bodies other than himself within this air bubble, so where exactly was this voice coming from? It felt very familiar to a reaper's voice in the way that it spoke directly into his mind, but it wasn't quite the same, either.

It felt more like a Sparrow's telepathic voice, though he wasn't sure.

'Fair. Then can we at least agree that neither of us here is looking for a fight?'

"I never do look for fights," said Hector, "but they always seem to look for me."

'Hah. A problem I know well. Tell me, is this your first time in a Lower Realm?'

Is that what these things were called? Hmm. Hector didn't see any benefit in answering his question, though.

Wait, his? Yeah. The voice seemed masculine, somehow.

At his persistent silence, the voice continued on, 'Well, if it IS your first time, then allow me to proffer advice. As a general rule, anyone you meet in these places is not to be trifled with. I do not know your heart, but if it is that of a prankster or wicked man, then you should first be aware that any enemy you decide to make here will be no minor adversary.'

Huh. Sounded like Hector's guess had been right on the money. "Thanks for the warning."

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