Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Page 3223

An earthquake arrived. An ironquake. And he felt everything shift, more violently than expected, as if the iron was eager to listen.

A mountain shot up in the distance, cracking the world apart and sending visible chunks of iron spiraling into the black sky like a volcanic eruption.

At the sight of all that, he fell on his ass and lost his concentration. He hadn't expected it to be so easy, and even the ground beneath him was still trembling for a long while after being allowed to set itself back down.

Hector was in awe.

Was his power really unlimited in this place? It sure felt like it.

He'd been so determined to create chaos only a moment ago, but now, as he lay there, feeling the lingering vibrations in the ground, he found himself questioning many things about his ability again.

If he wasn't more careful, he might accidentally kill himself.

Wait a minute.

...There was no way that would send him back to reality, right?

Agh. It might. But could he risk it? If it didn't work, then he'd really be fucked.

Yeah. That had to be reserved for his last resort, once he was all out of other ideas. For the moment, at least, he still had plenty more he wanted to try.

The main thing that was coming to his mind now was a result of his gaze falling upon his left hand.

His melting left hand.

That didn't seem good. All in all, he still felt perfectly fine and numb. But he wondered for how much longer. Would he eventually just dissolve into nothingness if he stayed here? He rubbed his chin and found it just as bad, able to feel his bare chin bone there. Kind of. The numbness made him slightly unsure, but it definitely didn't feel right.

He erected a quick iron barricade for protection against the still-setting sun's punishing rays. He doubted it would do very much, but it was better than nothing, he supposed.

There was another reason he'd looked at his left hand, though. A reason related to his ability.

With his left hand, he could materialize Haqq's shield, the Amir-9.

Up to now, he'd only been thinking about his iron, but he was suddenly very curious. How did the shield work in this place? Could he even summon it, still?

He tested it at once.

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