Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Page 3209

Raul looked around again. This timing sure was convenient. Could the other Invisibility user be an ally?

Not likely, he decided. Even if it was, how could they have known to cause a distraction at just this moment?

He decided not to waste it, regardless. The cell right in front of him was the quickest and easiest candidate, so he went for it. There were four enormous hinges that he had to take are of. He gripped the topmost one with two fingers and concentrated. Just as he'd hoped, the bolt slid free with barely any effort, then he moved onto the second.

"This isn't funny! Reveal yourself! Whoever you are, touch me again, and I'll kill you!"

Man, that guy sure was sensitive about being touched. Raul did his best to stay on task, though. The third hinge came free.

"It was me."

The new voice made Raul hesitate, because this time, it wasn't just a voice. It was a feeling, too.

A sudden, overwhelmingly oppressive presence.

And he turned in time to see a man melt into existence out of thin air. He wore sunglasses, flip fops, shorts, and a tropical shirt with barely any sleeves to cover his toned, tanned arms.

Everyone else was staring at him, too.

"Well?" the man said, taking a step toward the guy who'd been yelling a moment ago. He poked him in the shoulder with one finger. "You said you'd kill me, didn't you? Sounds like fun. Why don't you go ahead and try?"

From this angle, Raul could only see the profile of the newcomer's face, but combined with that notorious attire, this sinking feeling in his gut, and the images he'd seen of Abolish's top threats, it was enough. Raul knew exactly who that was over there.

That was Vanderberk. One of the most powerful and dangerous servants in the entire world.

Instantly, this situation was changed. The Rainlords had of course already known that Vanderberk was in Vantalay, but he wasn't supposed to be here, at Logden. According to their most recent intel, he was supposed to be on the eastern front, pressing the assault on Czacoa. Raul had heard that information only a day ago.

All of Cell Block Y had fallen dead silent. These guardsmen seemed to know who they were looking at, too.

The guy who'd just been yelling didn't say another word, choosing instead to shrink away from Vanderberk.

Vanderberk smiled. "Heh. Smart man."

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