Monday, February 19, 2024

Page 3518

Well, Hector was at a bit of a loss now. He truly had not considered what to do if this guy had simply refused to take the money.


“Sure is tempting, though,” said Fred. “Wish I could accept, but I just can’t. Frankly, lord, I don’t think you owe me anything. Wouldn’t feel right, taking this money.”

“Hmm,” hummed Hector, thinking. “Not even for the sake of the wife and kids that you just mentioned?”

“Eh, fuck ‘em. It’s my decision, not theirs.”

Hector couldn’t hold back a snort. “Are you being serious, right now, sir?”

“Mostly. In all the ways that matter, at least.”

“I’m not sure what to make of that. Are you a man of incredible integrity or just a terrible father?”

“What, I can’t be both?”

That pulled a laugh out of Hector, and he shook his head, not knowing how to respond.

“Look, I love my family, but we’re doing just fine, financially. This isn’t needed and would probably spoil the shit out of them, anyway. It’s hard enough to prevent my kids from turning into insufferable little brats, as is.”

“That is... definitely one way of looking at it, I suppose.”

“Okay, lord, y’know what? How would I explain where this money came from, hmm? Oh, the new Lord of Warrenhold decided to just up and gift it to me? No. I’m a cop. People will think I’m on the take and just lying about it. Badly.”

Well, that argument held a little more water, Hector felt. “Alright, uh... what if, instead of giving the money to you, I give it to someone else of your choosing? Or multiple someones, if you prefer.”

Fred’s head reared back as he took that into consideration.

“Maybe an organization?” pushed Hector. “A charity?”

“This got a lot more complicated, all of a sudden.”

“You don’t have to decide, right now. I’ll keep the money in reserve for whenever you make up your mind. Sound good?”

Fred stared at him for a moment, then exhaled a curt laugh. “You’re really something, y’know that?”

“You’re one to talk,” said Hector.

“I was trying to pay you a compliment.”

“So was I.”

Fred’s gaze went to the table briefly, then he smiled and stood up, offering Hector a handshake. “Thank you for this. I’ll take some time to think about it and get back to you.”

Hector stood and took the handshake. “Alright, then.”

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