Monday, February 12, 2024

Page 3514

Zeff was far from understanding or convinced. “That all sounds like an excuse to me. And a weak one, at best.”

“Again, I will not argue the point. Instead, I will simply make you an offer.”

Zeff’s brow furrowed, as if to brace himself for what he might be about to hear.

“Leave Graves and Vantalay behind,” said Gohvis. “Bring all your kin and come with me. I will take all the Rainlords of Sair into my protection.”


Zeff made no response.

Gohvis kept pushing. “You wish to see your daughter, yes? With this, you can. I cannot yet allow her to leave, but I can bring you to her.”

Still, Zeff said nothing. Goddammit. He turned away from the Monster to look over the evening battlefield in the distance again, taking a deep breath and then exhaling slowly.

“I understand if this is not something you can decide upon quickly, but I would urge you not to delay. The longer you remain with Graves, the more tenuous this deal becomes--for you and for me.”

That, at least, brought immediate questions to Zeff’s mind. “What do you mean? Why should Graves be a factor?”

“Because if he learns of my offer, he will seek to use it. To manipulate you against me. Or to some other end, perhaps.”

“The two of you seemed to get along strangely well.”

“Yes, in spite of myself, I do not hate him. But that is also part of his game, at times. He often presents himself as very agreeable. He thinks of the bigger picture, I suspect. Hoping to gain trust for some vital future use, perhaps. But when the times comes--and make no mistake, it will come--he will discard you like so much trash and think no less of himself for it.”

“Hmph. So you know what goes on in his mind now, do you?”

“He and I have known each other for a very long time.”

Zeff had no retort for that. He was still struggling with the offer Gohvis had just made. He needed time to think, but from the sound of it, the Monster did not want to give it to him. Or at least, the Monster wanted to put time-sensitive pressure on him.


“...I cannot make such a decision for everyone,” said Zeff. “That is not my role.”

“But it should be, Water Dragon.”

At that, Zeff had to turn and look at him again. “That is not our way.”

“Not anymore, no.” And for a few moments, Gohvis merely met his gaze with those infernal red eyes. “But I understand. Consult your reapers and your kin. And try to keep Graves from overhearing, if you can.”

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