Thursday, February 15, 2024

Page 3517

“Hafta say,” Fred went on, “it was a very strange feeling, seeing the kid that messed me up continue to make such crazy headlines, week in and week out. Didn’t know what to make of it all. First, you were the biggest villain in the country, then the biggest hero, and now you’re apparently the most powerful lord in Atreya, to boot, goin’ around, givin’ the other lords what for, showin’ ‘em who’s boss with that new bank of yours.”

Hector still didn’t know what to say, but he felt like he couldn’t let that last part go. “I don’t think that’s quite how it went down, sir...”

The man chuckled. “If you say so, lord. But from my perspective, you are an enigma and a half. Because despite all that, despite how much else you clearly have going on in your life, you decide to make time for me, of all people. A man who, apparently, was hunting you down unjustly, acting as nothing more than a stooge for some... foreign coup attempt, was it? I’m still not too sure I understand what went down in the capital last year.”

Geez. For how quiet this guy was earlier, he sure was speaking his mind now, Hector thought.

“My point, lord, is that you have no reason to be doing this for me. And it’s weirding me out. So thank you for your thoughtful generosity, but I don’t think I can accept this money.”

Hector blinked. “...Are you sure?”

Fred eyed the check one more time. “No. I’m not sure. But I try to listen to my gut whenever I’m on the verge of making potentially life-changing decisions, and right now, it’s telling me that I shouldn’t take this. Assuming you’ll actually take no for an answer, lord.”




“...If you’re worried about there being some sort of string attached to this money,” said Hector, “then I can assure you that there isn’t. Genuinely, you can just take it and go, and I will never contact you again. I promise.”

That seemed to give Fred pause again, though not for long. He shook his head. “Thank you, but my answer is still no, lord.”

He blinked again. “...And you called me an enigma.”

The man chortled. “Fair is fair, I suppose.”

Hector had to ask one more time. “You’re really, one hundred percent sure that you don’t want to accept this?”

Fred sighed and scratched his brow. “Yeah...” He said it almost sadly, as if he was somehow exasperated with his own decision.

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