Monday, August 14, 2023

Page 3381

That is no great surprise,’ said Ericoros, which surprised Hector. The reaper rarely chimed in, deigning usually to merely listen--at least while Hector was present, that was. ‘The emperors are all in a category of their own. Fear of them permeates every side of every conflict.

Even among Sai-hee’s people?’ asked Garovel.

At that, Ericoros was quiet a moment, and Hector wondered if perhaps that had been too brazen of a question for the reaper’s liking. '...Yes,' said Ericoros. 'Exceptions no doubt exist, especially among the stupid, but for a certainty, there was always a subdued level of fear within our ranks. It would be arrogant and foolish to claim otherwise.’

Garovel merely bobbed his skull in acknowledgment.

Hector had a question for Ericoros now, too, though he wasn’t holding out hope that the reaper would actually answer it. “What is Sai-hee actually like?”

As expected, the reaper made no response.

Hector tried a slightly different angle. “I ask because Leo didn’t have very nice things to say about her, but from what I understand, you don’t feel the same way. I’d be interested to hear a more detailed opinion from someone who thinks highly of her.”

Ericoros exhaled a nonexistent breath. ‘I suppose that is fair...’ He paused, perhaps to gather his thoughts. ‘Sai-hee is... she is a very complex person. And it is true that my affection for her will likely never fade. She has a deep compassion for others that is difficult to fully articulate. Perhaps if you would consider Sermung to be a fatherly protector of the world, then Sai-hee might be thought of as a more motherly one. She is kind beyond measure and treats everyone like her children.

Hmm. Well, he’d already heard a few counterpoints to that claim of kindness, at least. He didn’t want to interject, though.

Garovel, however, apparently did not harbor the same reservations. ‘Kindness, eh? I’ve never met her myself, so I’m not saying you’re wrong, but the woman is known to have done some rather UNKIND things throughout the years. Her conflict with the Rainlords being just one example.

Ah, yes, the Richland affair,’ said Ericoros. ‘That was a horrible circumstance, yes, but it was not Sai-hee’s doing. Rather, it was the fault of Ariana, who had always been impulsive and... “passionate,” as some described her. “Emotionally unstable” might have been the more apt term, in my estimation.

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