Saturday, August 26, 2023

Page 3390

The opening of the assault was arguably the most important. While the enemy was still scrambling and disorganized, that was the moment where they could recover the most reapers with the last amount of interference.

And Dimas Sebolt took full advantage, Zeff noticed. The man’s power of gravity alteration lent itself quite well to the purpose of carrying others, and with a bit of soul power, Dimas was quickly able to acquire more than twenty reapers by himself.

In fact, that was the signal for everyone else to begin the attack. Dozens of reaper cells burst open simultaneously, and then madness ensued.

Cell Block Y might’ve been a massive chamber, but in the middle of the fight, it became instantly cramped. The feeling that one wrong step might get one’s head blown off gave the room an oppressive sensation that stifled movement, but Zeff pressed through, regardless, cutting guardsmen down left and right with discs of bladed ice.

That alone wasn’t enough to keep most of them down, though, which was why he took to attaching a frozen coating to their remains--or if he could spare the extra effort, clapping boxes around them instead, filled with supercooled, pressure-manipulated water.

That alone was enough to keep most of them down. A moderately aged servant did not typically have the defenses needed to withstand this kind of quick-freeze attack on the brain.

Which was why Zeff took particular notice of the ones who were able to resist.

Vanderberk’s men were not yet here, though they were doubtless soon to arrive, so the two he sensed who were already able to withstand his attack were most likely Longvin and Kortell.

Their intel had been able to discover what they both looked like, but here and now, amid the chaos, there was no discerning which was which. Not until they started using their abilities, at least.

Longvin was a light-wielder. And one capable of using pan-rozum, no less.

Those were never fun to deal with.

But it was a tremendous help to know that ahead of time. All of the Rainlords knew that they could not let that man do as he pleased, and so their collective efforts fell upon him as soon it was clear who he was.

A bright light flashed, almost certainly in an attempt to blind everyone and conduct a concealed counterattack on many of them in the blink of an eye. But even before the light receded, Zeff could already sense that the man had been set upon by at least six different materialization users, one being himself.

Not to mention, the Linebreaker was there, too, with his huge arm through all of that material, having already gotten ahold of Longvin, apparently.

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