Thursday, April 29, 2021

Page 3160

Were they still hoping that they hadn't been detected? Hector couldn't sense any of their mouths moving, and Pauline wasn't telling him anything new, so they probably weren't talking to each others.


Hector still had some room left with his volume limit. He could probably make another golem. Maybe even two or three more.

He decided to text Pauline again, first.
can u tell me which 1 is the aberration?
Normally, he would've just been able to rely on Garovel for picking aberrations out of a crowd, but that couldn't be done against Invisibility, which rendered them entirely undetectable to reapers.

Hector couldn't recall if he'd ever talked to either Pauline or her father about aberrations before, though. There was a fair chance that she wouldn't have any idea what he was talking about.

'The one on the far left,' she said. 'Can you sense him?'

Ah. Well, that was a relief.

The one on the far left, huh? The Scarf of Amordiin was describing a lanky figure with fluttering hair and a long knife in one hand.

Truth be told, Hector still wasn't entirely sure how Invisibility worked. Did the "shadow" of aberrations like this function in the same way that it did for others? Could they still wield it as a weapon? If so, then what was the point of that knife, then?

Regardless, the aberration was the easiest pressure point. If this turned into a fight, he would want to eliminate the Invisibility as quickly as possible in order to help everyone else see the enemy, too.

He still didn't want to strike the first blow yet, though. The ideal scenario here was to make them retreat.

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