Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Page 3156

They were taking their sweet time before resuming their trek toward the decoy castle.

Hmm. Hector wondered if he might be able to make them paranoid enough to turn around and leave. That was supposed to be an issue with older servants, right? Paranoia.

What was the most unnerving thing he could think of?

Maybe a countdown. A sound like a ticking alarm clock, starting off slow and then getting progressively faster and faster. If they heard that shit, how would these guys react? They were still just standing there, waiting. Ah, no, he could sense their mouths moving, too, as they whispered to each other.

Before he could even ask the question of her, Pauline told him what they were saying.

'They're discussing whether or not they should abort their mission.'

Wait, what? Seriously? Just because of a tiny clattering of metal that they'd just heard?

'They're worried they might have sprung some sort of trap. A tripwire alarm. Or a... a "reactive dust beacon." What the heck does that mean?'

Mm. Hector actually had a pretty good idea what that was, but this wasn't the time to explain it to her. He texted her one more time.
r they saying nything that confirms they r abolish?
'Oh. Uh... no, I don't think so. One of them just called the guy at the front "Banda," though. Does that help?'

It definitely did, and Hector's eyes widened. Banda Toro, the Raptor of Kortan, was one of Bloodeye's top men.


Well, that was one problem solved. He almost preferred being uncertain, though.

If Bloodeye himself was 133 years old, then Hector guessed that his top guys would have to be pushing seventy, at least.

No one here at Warrenhold right now was that old. Nere Blackburn might've been the closest. Hector was fairly sure that she was somewhere around fifty. Maybe.

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