Thursday, April 8, 2021

Page 3119

Vino shook his head. "I've lived my life the way I wanted. And I'll die the way I want, too. Though my fearful heart might waver, my mind does not. I refuse to act impulsively now."

Linus sighed and stood up in order to step away from the desk. "You're just being prideful and stubborn. Not courageous."

"Maybe. But I've never thought pride was such a terrible thing."


He needed to try a different approach. An appeal to Vino's sense of responsibility, perhaps. "Ridgemark needs you, Vino. Now more than ever. This war... it threatens everything you've built. Everything you love."

Vino gave a noticeable pause. "I'll admit, the timing could be better. I would've liked to go when things were more peaceful..."

Linus perked up a little, seeing an opening. "Then we can do that. You could become a servant just until the war is over. Or for however long you deem fit. Who knows? You might be surprised how much you like it."

Vino just looked at him, expressionless.

"The important thing is that you would be able to go out on your own terms. Whenever you want."

Vino's gaze drifted to the side, somewhat.

Was that... a tinge of uncertainty that Linus saw? Maybe Vino could be convinced, after all.

Vino closed his eyes for a moment and took a long breath. "Wouldn't that just be a delusion? This war may be the largest in a century, but it won't be the last. There will always been another excuse to prolong my departure."

Well, yeah. That was kind of what Linus was hoping for here. He decided to keep that thought to himself, though. "But it wouldn't be a fixed decision, Vino. You could change your mind at any time. Just give it a chance. Please."

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