Sunday, April 25, 2021

Page 3153

They were being cautious. They didn't know what to expect.

Hmm. What to do here...?

In all likelihood, this was just a scouting party, maybe not even intending to attack Warrenhold and instead just trying to gather intel and report back. And with twenty-seven enemy combatants, the odds weren't exactly in his favor, either. Plus, if even one of Bloodeye's top guys was in that group, then a straight fight would probably not go well for him, Hector thought.

It might've been best to leave them alone and wait to see if they left of their own volition.

Agh. But they kept getting closer.

Obviously, he couldn't let them get inside Warrenhold and discover how empty it was. That would almost assuredly invite an attack from Bloodeye himself.

But then again, maybe that would be good in its own way, countered a spare thought process. Warrenhold was the most defensible position, after all. If Bloodeye was busy attacking Warrenhold, then he couldn't attack random, helpless citizens in Lorent.

Would it really be that simple, though? And what if these motherfuckers got inside Warrenhold and just started attacking shit instead of leaving to report back?


Definitely couldn't take that risk.

Had to do something about them now. He put a few cubes into orbit around himself as he deliberated. Thanks to the decoy castle, he was already near his volume limit in this area, so if he wanted to do something huge, he'd have to annihilate some of it first. Perhaps small, sneaky attacks would be better here. At least until the enemy knew where he was.

'I could freeze them in their tracks, if you want,' came Pauline's voice again.

That was true, he supposed. Sparrows did have that power, didn't they? Could she really do that to all of them, though?

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