Friday, August 21, 2020

Page 2541

~~((National Senior Citizens Day -- page 13 of 24))~~
Raul had never seen such a thing. The way that Croll's blade had cut through Melchor's liquid body and Leo's flurry of materialized boron--it didn't seem physically possible, quite frankly.

Naturally, Croll's soul must have played a significant role in strengthening his weapon in such a way, but still. That couldn't have been all there was to it, right? Swordsmanship would've been much more common among servants, if that were case.

And of course, Raul had not forgotten the reason why he and his brothers had been sent all the way here to Vantalay in the first place.

To search for a treasure called the Sword of Unso.

It had therefore occurred to him that the Killer of Krohin might have been wielding it. That might've explained the seemingly supernatural nature of the man's swordsmanship.

Cousin Melchor and Leo didn't seem to think so, however. When Raul had voiced that idea after the battle, they both said that such skill was achievable without the aid of a magical artifact.

"You youngins would be surprised what some people can accomplish with raw talent, the right teacher, and a hundred years of practice," Leo had said.

It seemed like Leo had meant for that to be encouraging, but after hearing that, Raul had been anything but.

"It does strike me as strange, though," Melchor had added, "that a swordsman of such caliber would be in this region at the same time that we were searching for the Sword of Unso. Somehow, I doubt that's a coincidence."

On that point, Raul was at least able to agree. If Croll wasn't wielding the Sword, then perhaps he was looking for it.

And after seeing what the man was already capable of, it was terrifying to imagine what he would be able to do if he ever managed to get his hands on it.

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