Saturday, August 8, 2020

Page 2511

It seemed to be the only explanation. They'd been trying to discern what the effects of Domain might be for some time now, so their lack of progress on that front made sense if those effects were all but invisible to them.

They didn't think that was all there was to it, though. From the way the Sparrows--and Chort, for that matter--talked about aura, it sounded like something natural to all life, like souls. And also like souls, it had its levels of intensity and variation. So while Domain was probably responsible for some of the things that Pauline and Hanton described to him, Hector had the feeling that Domain was not itself synonymous with his aura.

Malast's blessing had not granted him the power of aura. It had modified it. The specifics of that modification... were still quite debatable, Hector thought.

All in all, it was really fucking confusing. Had Domain just made his aura more powerful or something? Without knowing how strong his aura was before being granted the blessing, he had no way of figuring that out. And were there going to be other effects?

He sure would've liked to ask Malast about it, though he doubted that asshole would tell him anything. Rasalased might know something, if he could figure out how to talk to him again.

Which was yet another thing on Hector's mind. Rasalased had said his two blessings were "interacting" with one another, that they had created that "headspace." Despite sleeping a few more times, Hector had yet to speak to the Dry God again. It had to be possible, though. The timing of it was too suspicious. Right after the battle with Chort, when he'd learned about auras and shit? When it seemed like his might have... changed in some way?

That couldn't be a coincidence, Hector felt. He just had to keep trying.