Sunday, August 9, 2020

Page 2512

More than anything, though, Hector was curious about the apparent ability of Sparrows to look into the past via locations of "geographic resonance" or whatever it was. To him, that seemed like an absurdly useful power--especially as it might pertain to treasure hunting.

According to Hanton, such locations were actually quite rare to find, especially without anyone around who was guarding them. Sparrows were known to cherish them, for obvious reasons, but many humans could also sense that they were in some way special, even if they couldn't necessarily discern why.

Hector's hopes of finding more of them and discovering the secrets of history were somewhat dashed upon hearing that, but if nothing else, he was still curious to know what they actually were. What made those locations "resonate" more than others?

Hanton said that no one really knew the answer to that for certain. He seemed to believe that were simply a naturally occurring phenomenon, an effect of the planet's own life force spilling out into nature, but he also mentioned a contradictory theory that resonance might be determined by some unknown historical factor related to each location.

Whatever the case, it fascinated him. And it kind of reminded him of the mysterious holes to the Undercrust. Those were also rare, highly valued, and of dubious origin. He might've asked Hanton about them, too, if he wasn't so concerned about keeping the one in Warrenhold a secret for as long as possible. While he did want to fulfill the wishes of Warrenhold's founder and make it a thriving center of trade between the surface and the Undercrust, that goal still seemed like a long ways off.

So until then, all he had was this dreadful feeling that, for one reason or another, that hole would become a really big problem if too many people learned of its existence.

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