Saturday, January 18, 2020

Page 2025

Nere just shut her eyes and hung her head. Arguing was fruitless, she felt. She deserved all of this and more.

I’ve never been a believer in punishment, really,’ said Sentsia. ‘I always thought that it was better to try to “rehabilitate” someone than to “punish” them. The desire to rehabilitate comes from a place of empathy. It’s “nicer.” While the desire to punish comes from a place of, arguably, anger. It’s more brutalistic. It felt like something that only the unenlightened person would pursue.

But thanks to you, I see now that I was wrong. I was too confident in my sense of moral superiority. I think, perhaps, my lack of awareness in this regard may have only served to make this situation worse. If I had thought to punish you for your actions sooner, to make you seek repentance as Lhutwë would want, then perhaps we could have begun on a slow road to betterment. Somehow.

Now, of course, it is far too late for that. You are too far gone. Or perhaps I am. The hatred I feel for you is unlike any I have ever known in the last two thousand years. And that, I must say, is quite an accomplishment.

Nere didn’t move. ‘Then just release me…

Ah, yes. I am considering it. This is what you desire?

She chanced a frail look at Sentsia. ‘Yes…

You don’t wish to find a way to atone for your sins?

Nere sat on that idea for a time. It had crossed her mind before, briefly, but it seemed so utterly impossible that she hadn’t really given it much consideration at all. ‘How would I be able to do that?

By helping me bring House Blackburn into a new, golden era.

Nere’s head reared back a little.

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