Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Page 2020

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
Now there was a dilemma.

The best person to tell. Or the worst. Those two concepts seemed intertwined to her now.

Well, the first person who came to mind was Sentsia, of course. Being Nere’s reaper, it only made sense to tell her everything first.

But what if Sentsia decided to simply release her soul then and there? Wouldn’t that be too quick an end to her suffering? Sentsia probably would never do such a thing. She was too gentle and understanding.

But Nere still didn’t want to take that risk. And more than likely, it just wouldn’t be punishing enough. Sentsia might even try to comfort her, for some reason, and that was the absolute last thing that Nere wanted now.

No, she needed to pick someone who would hate her. Truly. Someone who would take vengeance on her.

And the more she thought about it, the more she could think of no better candidate than the Lord Zeff Elroy.

Of all people, his hatred for her would surely burn the most fiercely. He was one who sought vengeance. And he wouldn’t make it quick, would he? He would make sure she paid for what she’d done.

Oh, but he probably wouldn’t care all that much about Morgunov or Ibai, would he? Comparatively, at least. No, the thing that would make him hate her the most was a bit different, wasn’t it?

Yes. He still didn’t know about the role House Blackburn had played in the Elroy Massacre all those years ago. It had been Abolish’s work, of course, but the Blackburns had let them into the country. Unwittingly, perhaps, but since when did ignorance alleviate one of responsibility?

She nodded to herself as she decided. Yes. She could tell him about that.

Finally, she could see the path forward.

Someone was talking to her. Oh, yes. Sentsia was still there, wasn’t she?

--important to attend these things,’ she was saying. ‘It will do the rest of the family good to see you there. They could use a morale boost, right now.

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