Thursday, February 15, 2018

Page 1549

Instinctively, he tried coating the mass in iron, but he was not surprised when it did absolutely nothing to stem the growing tide of sludge. The iron simply expanded out and broke until it, too, was swallowed by slimy darkness.


Wow, this is even worse than I was expecting.

“What the fuck do I do?!” Hector was finding it abruptly difficult to remain as calm as the reaper sounded.

Hmm, good question.


The worm was already as big as a house.

Okay, well, let’s look at this logically. We already know you can’t kill it. And we’re trapped in here, so we can’t run from it, either.

“That’s not helpful.”

The treasure. Maybe there’s some more treasure around that will help you take it down.

Well, it was a plan, at least. Unfortunately, despite the size of the room, there wasn’t nearly as much treasure in it compared to the previous ones Hector had been in. And he knew that with absolute certainty, thanks to the Scarf of Amordiin. Apart from the relatively modest pile currently at his back, there were two other, even smaller ones on the second and third floors of the chamber, respectively.

There was no point in complaining, though. It would have to do.

Still keenly aware of the bubbling mass in the center of the room, Hector set to work, looking over the nearest treasure pile. He and Garovel had already gotten a brief opportunity to examine this one earlier when Seyos disappeared, but the only thing that caught the reaper’s attention had been a glittery orb that was apparently called the Hypnosphere.

Hector went for it immediately, because he didn’t know what else to do, freeing one of his hands by hanging his mace on a materialized hook.

What’re you gonna do with that?

“I don’t fucking know! You tell me!”

Uh... just chuck it at it.




He spun around, gathered his strength in his throwing arm as he reeled back, and launched the Hypnosphere straight into the worm’s body.

Nothing happened.

“Garovel, that didn’t do shit!”

Well, there goes five million troa down the toilet.

“Why’d you tell me to throw it, then?!”

Eh, it was a calculated risk. And that thing was ugly, anyway.

The worm was as big as two houses, now, and it had an obvious mouth and eyes, which were pointed in his direction.

Hey, that item over there could be the Bell of Calming.

It took a second, but Hector saw what he was referring to. A silvery bell with geometric engravings. He grabbed it without hesitation.

Try ringing it.

He did so. Hard. The sound was sharp and clear, certainly loud enough to carry across the whole room.

And he waited for some noticeable change to occur.

But it didn’t.

...Huh. I guess it’s not the Bell of Calming, after all.

“Garovel, that thing is gonna fuckin’ kill us!”

Yeah, I’m starting to get a little worried, actually.