Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Page 1532

((The 14 pages of Valentine's Day + Double Wednesday -- Page 1 of 16))
Is it, like, super durable or something like Haqq’s shield?’ said Hector.

...Not particularly, no,’ said Garovel. ‘But when it breaks, it, uh... it reforms to its... original shape...

Hector felt a little bad, but he couldn’t say he was impressed. ‘Hmm.

It has ardor in it, though. So that could be helpful, right?

...Helpful, how exactly?

Well, that means it can be used to hit reapers ‘n stuff.

I can just use my soul for that, Garovel.

Ah. Well. Maybe it would make a good gift for Lynnette.

Hector’s expression soured somewhat from behind his helmet. There the reaper went again, trying to play the Lynn card. ‘I’m pretty sure that shadow already allows her to do all this shit, too, more or less.

Yeah, okay, but. Maybe she’d just... like it? As a present?

Somehow, Hector kinda doubted that. ‘...Can we sell it?

Hector, this thing was a national treasure of Calthos, once upon a time.

So... their government would pay a lot for it, then?

No! It needs to be either used by someone or put in a museum!

That’s pretty lame...


I feel like I’m in a video game,’ said Hector.


I feel like I just opened a treasure chest or something and found a really cool weapon that I’m completely the wrong class for.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, right now,’ said Garovel.

Really? None?

I’m three thousand years old, and I have no hands! Why the hell would I know anything about video games?!

Alright, geez. You sound pretty upset about it.

Maybe I am. Maybe ever since I first learned about them, I’ve thought video games sounded like they could be really goddamn fun. And maybe I’m a little bitter about that.

Eh... it’s probably for the best,’ said Hector. ‘For some reason, I feel like if reapers could play video games, you’d all get addicted and then just never stop.

Oh, you mean because we exist in a state of purgatorial hell, and because video games might provide us a blissful escape from it?

Uh... I meant more because you never sleep and because you’re always complaining about boredom, but, ah, that answer works, too, I guess...

I’ve given the matter some thought before.

I can tell. And it kinda sounds like you DO know a lot about video games, actually.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.


But I do know what we’re going to be doing as soon as you and I are able to use pan-forma without killing ourselves.

That sounds... agh, alright, whatever. Can we focus on what’s important right now? Find us something really good in all of this, Garovel.

I haven’t stopped looking. But man, I can’t believe you don’t like the Shifting Spear of Logante.

Why does that name sound familiar, by the way?

Oh, maybe because we were just talking about it back in Babbadelo.

We were?

Well, us reapers were.

Hector tried to recall but was struggling to.

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