((The 14 pages of Valentine's Day + Double Wednesday -- Page 7 of 16))
‘This certainly explains how Amordiin was able to kidnap the princess of Vantalay without being detected,’ said Garovel. ‘He could sense where all the guards were and stay out of their line of sight.’
‘If he’d had a reaper looking out for him, he could’ve done that without the scarf.’
‘Heh. True. But still, the Scarf of Amordiin is perfect for you. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say it’s an ideal tool for any materialization user.’
Hector could see what he meant. This thing increased his spatial awareness by leaps and bounds. He was already getting a few ideas about how he might be able to put that to use. He eyed the Shifting Spear of Logante another time, still in its sword form. ‘Well, one out of two isn’t bad, I guess. How do I make this thing small again?’
‘Say “Shrokoh.”’
The sword compressed in an instant and became a quaint little spear again. Hector pressed it against his breastplate and remolded his armor around it, creating an inner pocket for it to comfortably nestle within.
‘Oh, so you’re gonna take the Spear, after all, eh?’
‘Might as well,’ said Hector. ‘It’s pretty light. And I was thinking Mr. Easton might be able to get some good use out of it. Maybe. He seemed like more of a gun guy, though, so I don’t know.’
‘What’s that other item you’ve got there?’ said Garovel. ‘Another weapon? Let me have a closer look.’
Hector held the flanged mace up for the reaper’s inspection. ‘Well?’
‘Curious... I don’t sense any ardor in it. It doesn’t seem particularly special. But at the same time... I don’t know. It’s almost like it’s too normal.’
‘What does that mean?’
‘It’s hard to describe. It feels like... there’s nothing special about it but maybe there’s supposed to be. Like it’s empty, somehow. Is it hollow inside?’
Hector raised it up and down, checking its weight again. ‘No way. If anything, it’s heavier than it looks.’
‘I’m not sure how else to explain it, then.’
‘Hmm. You sure you don’t recognize it?’
‘So it doesn’t have a cool name or anything, then?’
‘Maybe it does, but I don’t know it. We could name it ourselves, if you like.’
Hector’s shoulders slumped a little. ‘Eh, it’s not the same...’
Abruptly, Hector sensed Mr. Sheridan approaching but didn’t turn to face the man.
‘Heads up,’ said Garovel.
‘I know,’ said Hector, keeping his eyes forward.
Mr. Sheridan’s steps were abnormally slow. Measured. Careful. As if he didn’t want Hector to hear him coming, perhaps.
Hector didn’t want to believe that. He wanted to believe Mr. Sheridan was every bit as friendly and trustworthy as he’d thus far acted. But Hector also wanted to get a measure of the man’s true character. So he didn’t turn around.
And then he sensed Mr. Sheridan reach for one of the guns in his bag.
‘Hector,’ said Garovel.
‘I know,’ he repeated.