Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Page 3668

I feel like this is a conversation we should be having in private,’ said Garovel.

I’m pretty sure this little guy isn’t gonna tell anyone.

Oh, he’s a trustworthy little guy now, is he? A minute ago, you called him an asshole.

Well, he was being one.

Another pulse.

Yes, you were. Anyway, Garovel, continue. If not in the “literal sense,” then in what sense do you want to conquer the world?

The reaper sighed. ‘Technically, I suppose... in the sense of wanting to uncover all the world’s lost and hidden knowledge... then yes, one might consider that a form of conquest. I suppose. If you squint.

There arrived still another pulse.

It says you’re leaving something out.

Ugh. FINE. Not just the lost and hidden knowledge. The lost and hidden powers, too. One could argue that I am... a bit... perhaps... slightly... power hungry. Okay? Geez. Why do you gotta make me feel so bad about it, huh? Everyone likes power, don’t they?

Hmm. What do you want to do with all that power?

I--egh--I don’t know! I just--! I want to see it! Experience it. Understand it. Maybe find new ways to put it to good use, if we can. Or... I don’t know. It’s just a... an instinctual thing, I suppose. I’ve never really been forced to articulate the entirety of my feelings on the matter like this, so... genuinely, I’m not sure what I would do. Perhaps it would depend on the exact nature of said powers.

Hector wanted to scratch his chin. ‘So you’re telling me you’re not interested in oppressing the masses?

Of course not.

Of course you’re not telling me that? Or of course you’re not interested?

Hector. Don’t even joke about that shit. I’ve seen far too many oppressors throughout history to want to become one myself. I don’t even find the idea funny.

Really? Not even a little bit? God-King Garovel?

Shut the hell up. I’d sooner let myself get eaten by a feldeath.


The Mini-Candle pulsed again.

It doesn’t believe you,’ said Hector. ‘And to be honest, I’m not sure I do, either.

Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t have to prove shit to either of you, then. I know I’m speaking the truth, and that’s all that matters.

There came a sudden period of silence as apparently no one knew what to say next.

Eventually, Hector came up with something. ‘Okay, but if you DID want to conquer the world literally, you probably wouldn’t think of it as oppressing anyone. It’d be, like, “for the greater good” or some shit, right?

I hate this conversation.

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