Thursday, September 5, 2024

Page 3670 -- CCCII.

Still, the orb remained silent.

Hector just let his words linger, feeling that he had said all he needed to.

Garovel was next to speak. ‘Damn, Hector. That even scared me a little.

Impulsively, he wanted to apologize, but he caught himself, because he was certain that he had done the right thing. ‘This Mini-Candle here needs to realize that it doesn’t know everything and that we won’t be dancing to its tune. If I wasn’t here, it wouldn’t have attacked you, but instead, it would’ve tried to manipulate you.

Oh? I suppose I’ll just have to trust your judgment on that one,’ said Garovel.

Think so?’ said Hector. ‘I’m betting you can at least feel its pull, though, can’t you? I mean, heck, you just admitted to being a power-hungry maniac, so you’re probably feeling pretty tempted to seize its power, aren’t you?

H-hey, I thought we’d moved past that already...

It was like one minute ago, Garovel.

Well, time is not time, right? That means it’s actually ancient history.

That’s not what that means at all.

Also, I never called myself a maniac. I resent you using that term.

Look, the point is, this thing would manipulate you into wielding its power and then probably turn it against you.

Ah... am I to assume that is what happened to Worwal, then?

I think so,’ said Hector. ‘And now we’re going to have this little guy undo what he did.

Uh. What makes you think he even can?

Because I’m gonna be real pissed off if he can’t.

He felt the orb shudder again.

Huh. Well, my little orby friend... I forgive you for attacking me, since you’ve just been born ‘n all, but it would appear you’ve already gotten yourself into some hot water. Best of luck to you.

Chapter Three Hundred Two: ‘A prince’s position...’
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

The heel of David’s shoe tapped rapidly against the marble floor as he eyed his watch for the twentieth time since sitting down at this small table. During his time here in Intar as an Atreyan Ambassador, he’d grown quite accustomed to playing the slow game, to being exceedingly patient, but this particular wait was proving too much even for him. He’d already ordered his meal, finished it, ordered dessert, and finished that, too.

It was hard not to be annoyed.

These “meetings” that he’d been taking of late could hardly be regarded as such. They were always with individuals who were rather low on the political totem pole, but that usually also meant that they didn’t have as much trouble making time for him. In fact, that was the main reason why he’d been pursuing them in the first place.

So it was quite obnoxious whenever one of them was a no-show.

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