Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Page 3684 -- CCCIII.

Vito met David’s gaze, then motioned toward the hole he’d just climbed through. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to, either. The Prince understood. The hole was big enough for them to escape through, and Vito intended to buy time for them to do so.

David grabbed Victor’s arm and pulled him up, then began motioning for the other non-combatants to follow.

The Abolishers did not continue waiting, however. They stepped through the missing wall where the doorway had been.

And David picked up his pace, but he still could not help noticing how many of them there were. He counted at least five. And he had a terrible feeling there were even more behind them.

Chapter Three Hundred Three: ‘O, tempered child of the Burning Sea...’
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Vito Sebolt had never faced such odds. But Kerikos certainly had. And as they activated the hyper-state of pan-forma, all of the reaper’s memories and experience became his own.

Unfortunately, those things still did not fill him with confidence. If anything, Kerikos’ memories only served to reinforce how bad this situation actually was.

But oh well. Better to have the knowledge than not. At least now they were able to decide quickly on their best course of action here.

They knew there were plenty of other allied servants here in Livingston. They’d already sensed and even witnessed some of them fighting.

So it was just a matter of leading the fight over to some of those other warriors.

Easier said than done, perhaps. Especially when they couldn’t allow any of these Abolish bastards to get near the Prince or any of the other non-combatants. Not to mention, if those other warriors weren’t already rushing over to help him, then it was doubtless because they already had their hands quite full.

Regardless, Vito and Kerikos didn’t have the luxury of time to mull things over. They had to give the Abolishers something to think about.

And with Vito’s lutetium transfiguration, the first tactic that entered their minds was a horizontal shower of bright red fireballs.

They would have to sacrifice considerable body mass in order to cover so many enemies at once, but that was where pan-forma’s near-instant regeneration became extremely helpful.

The room roared to life with a red wave of flaming lutetium, filling the entire missing wall in seconds. The debris all over the floor caught fire instantly and began to melt or burn.

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