Saturday, September 21, 2024

Page 3681

“I believe it may be an attack,” said Vito, calmer now.

“An attack?” David’s head reared back. “What makes you say that?”

“Call it a hunch, lord. Please do not leave my side.”

He certainly hadn’t been planning to.

Victor scrambled over from the other room. “Did you guys feel that? I’ve never--”

Another quake arrived, stronger than the previous two combined. Paintings fell off the walls, and a vase in the corner crashed to the floor while David just held onto the bed, trying not to fly off.

When everything finally settled again, the room was in shambles, and David saw a giant fissure running up through one of the walls.

Vito was already next to the bed, helping the Prince up. “We should get out of here, lord. Please follow me.”

“A-alright...” David was trying to remain calm. Emergency scenario. Was he forgetting anything? If he never returned to this room, was there anything he needed from it? Tablet, phone, shoes, wallet, royal pendant. All good. Coat? Hat? Briefcase? Not sure. He grabbed those last three, just in case.

Then they were on the move. Vito led the way while David made sure Victor was still behind them.

Gigantic windows along the inner hallway provided a view of one of Livingston’s several courtyards, and through them, David saw a smoldering mountain, looking like a fallen meteorite.

What in the world? He wanted to stop and stare, but apparently, his feet knew better and kept going. He thought he saw figures among the smoke. Were they appearing out of the meteorite?

Screams in the distance. Several at once. All cut short.

David’s blood ran cold.

People filled the corridor now, most running in the same direction as them, until yet another quake made everyone stumble.

David could hardly process what was happening now. Too much shaking. He was on his hands and knees. Trying to get up as the trembling abated. Vito was there again, helping him.

Bless this kid.

Victor? Already up, too. Good on him.

Then a wall ahead of them exploded, and David spotted shapes moving quickly through the dust and debris--and not in unison, either. They bounced and clashed off of one another, and he heard the sound of clanging metal and gunshots ring out. Along with more screams.

“Okay, maybe we shouldn’t go that way,” said Vito, looking around.

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