Thursday, January 18, 2024

Page 3492

You read about it?’ said the Weaver. ‘When?

He paused for a shrug. “A couple weeks ago, maybe? Can’t remember which book. There’ve been lots.”

Hmm. Unfortuanate. If you could find that book again, I would be interested in reading it myself.

“Oh, okay! Sure, I’ll definitely find it for you! Wow! I kinda figured that you’d already read all the books here ‘r something.”

That would be an impossible feat, surely.

“Guess so, huh? Especially with some of ‘em being hidden ‘n all.”


“But wait a tick. Where did you learn about the history of the Library, then? Not from one of the books here?”

No, I...

Ibai waited for her to finish, but it seemed like she wasn’t going to. “You keep trying to convince me you’re not super old, but if you didn’t read about it in a book, then are you sure you don’t just remember the history?”

It is a personal matter.

“Yeah, that makes sense. Remembering stuff if very personal.”

No, I mean--ugh. You know what, you silly aberration? Fine. You’ve worn me down. If you must know the truth, I did read about it in a book, just not one from the Library of Erudition.

“Ooooh. So you’re like a huge nerd, then! Always visiting libraries and stuff!” And he laughed.

For some reason, she made no response.

“Oh, but I don’t mean that in like a bad way or anything! I think I’m pretty nerdy myself. So we’re like kindred spirits, is what I’m saying!”

Uh... huh.

“Anyway, you were saying? About the Library being built and protected by loads of cool and heroic people?”

I’d finished my point, more or less. Unless there was something specific you wished to ask about.

“Hmm-hmm. Um. Lemme see.” Dang, this was a tough one.

He tried to focus. Which was not something that he attempted to do very often. Usually, he preferred to just let his mind go wherever it wanted. What was the point in trying to force his thoughts in a particular direction? Where was the fun? Where was the freedom?

But this was important. If he could just figure out a way to find the Library’s secret stash of super cool books, then maybe he could figure out a way to help Emiliana.

So he decided not to just try. He decided to really try.

What questions could he ask the Weaver that might reveal some type of hidden clue?


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