Sunday, September 15, 2024

Next page on the 18th

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope your September is going well.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Page 3677

Victor gave him a skeptical look, however. “Is that the truth, sir? A man your age is still uncertain of his beliefs?”

David’s head reared back, and he couldn’t help snickering. “Excuse me, but please leave my age out of this. I do not believe I’ve said anything so offensive as to justify such a scathing attack on my person.”

“Ah... my apologies, sir.”

“Heh. I forgive you. You are young and stupid, after all.”

That earned a snort from the lad. “Sir, please. Hypocrisy misbecomes you.”

“You think so? Then why do I feel so much better?”

Soon enough, they arrived at their destination. Livingston Grand Castle was an ancient structure and incomparably gigantic, having been repeatedly expanded upon since the middle years of the Mohssian Empire. King William surely could have told him every detail of its long history, but David was only aware of its more infamous tales.

It had a strange reputation, this place. Having been built during the empire’s so-called Golden Era, it was meant to be a demonstration of the emperor’s unmatched power and wealth. But the construction had been plagued by endless turmoil, and that very same emperor died long before it was completed. The story went that the emperor had been on a tour of the construction site just as the second floor was being built, and then a stone--supposedly no bigger than a baseball--fell from a worker’s grasp, bounced off a wall, and landed squarely atop the emperor’s bald head, killing him instantly.

Apparently, the emperor’s retainers didn’t even realize what had happened for quite some time, because the blow did not appear that deadly. The man even remained on his feet. And since touching him without his expressed permission was a taboo punishable with execution, none dared to confirm his death for hours, until they were finally able to fetch his favorite wife to do the job.

Ever since the castle’s inauspicious beginnings, rumors abounded that this place was cursed--and by extension, so too was the empire. As such, multiple emperors had chosen not to live here, but each time one did so, some great misfortune seemed to befall him within a decade of his rule, typically resulting in his death.

And so the rumors grew. Until eventually, Livingston Grand Castle acquired a rather notorious moniker.

‘The Burden of Rule’ was what many had come to call it. To live in it was dangerous, but to ignore it was deadly.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Page 3676

Victor made no response, though David did spot a small smile on his face.

And again, the Prince found himself struggling to keep up the conversation. He supposed he shouldn’t try to force it. Perhaps just giving the young fellow some peace and quiet was better, anyway. He’d never considered himself very good at keeping his mouth shut, but perhaps on this occasion, he shouldn’t be considering himself at all.

He let the silence linger. It was still a ways to Livingston, but oh well.

At length, however, Victor decided to speak up on his own. “Prince David, sir... um...”


“...Have you ever... um... have you ever lost someone close to you?”

Ah. So we were going in this direction, were we? Oh, boy. Truth be told, David never much cared for talking about his own past, but he supposed if there was ever a time for it, it would be now.

The Prince took a long, slow breath before finally answering. “I have, indeed. Most recently, my brothers.”

“Brothers?” said Victor. “As in, multiple?”

“Yes. I am one of eight children. And last year, four of my brothers were killed.”

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I can’t even imagine...”

“Yes, well... it was a complicated matter with... complicated emotions. Saying that we were close would perhaps be an overstatement. But... we had our moments.” He wondered if he should also mention that he’d essentially lost a fifth brother as well, considering the fact that Luther had been imprisoned for murdering the other four.

But he decided against it. He didn’t think the purpose of Victor’s question had been to hear about royal family drama.

In fact, with that in mind, perhaps bringing his brothers up at all had been the wrong call. Perhaps the death of his father would have been a more apt comparison?


Well. He did have a different memory to pull from. It would probably be more fitting here, as well. But did he really want to talk about that? Especially with this young man he barely knew?

Not really.

“...Do you believe in an afterlife, sir?”

Agh. Wow. This hardly felt like the time to say that he didn’t. Somehow, that just seemed too disrespectful. So instead, he chose to soften his response. “I’m not sure what I believe.”

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Page 3675

Victor’s gaze fell down to the floor of the car as he listened.

“He seemed particularly passionate about the current divide between the Moons and the Grands,” David went on. “I remember him telling me at length that the disparities between the two parties were more illusion than reality. ‘A demonstration for the masses,’ was how he put it. He said that unity between the two was not just possible but inevitable without constant intervention from those currently in power.” David chortled. “An interesting perspective, I thought.”

Victor still wasn’t looking back at him. He just chewed on his lip as he stared at the back of the driver’s seat in front of him.

The Prince wondered what might be going through the lad’s mind, right now. David wanted to keep talking about Charlie, but he was struggling. He only had so much to pull from. He wished he’d been able to talk to the boy more. “Ah... I remember thinking that he could have been a speechwriter, what with how strongly held some of his opinions were, and he told me that he hoped to become one, someday. Said he wasn’t experienced enough yet as a rhetorician--and that one of his friends had always been far better at it. Said he’d always been a bit envious of the fellow...”

Victor’s eyes widened a little, then he stopped chewing his lip and simply frowned. He shook his head and sighed.

David couldn’t help wanting to connect the dots. “He... hadn’t been talking about you, had he?”

The kid scratched his brow. “I don’t know... maybe...”

That sounded like a ‘yes’ to David. “Do you have an interest in becoming a speechwriter, too?”

“Mm... I wouldn’t turn the job down, but no, I wouldn’t say that was my overall goal. I’m more interested in drafting policy. Making real change happen.”

David felt he had to pick him up on that. “One could argue that persuasion is the only way that real change ever comes to pass. The legal agreements that follow might be considered more of a formality than a conducted change. Or, perhaps, an argument over semantics rather than the greater issues.”

The young man exhaled a curt breath. “Are you sure you only spoke with him a few times? You’re starting to sound just like him.”

“Heh. To my ears, that sounds like quite the compliment.”

Next page at noon PST

Apologies. Just want a little more time. Thanks for reading, everyone.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Page 3674

“I’ve always found it curious,” said David. “With how much land Intar has at its disposal, one would think the greater imperative would be to build outward, not upward.”

“Intarians have always had a fascination with the sky,” said Victor. “Even back in the days of the Mohssian Empire, the people here were always building monuments as tall as humanly possible.”

“Ah, yes, I believe I’ve heard a little of that. Wasn’t there a formalized competition at one point?”

The kid nodded. “There was. Emperor Armadus III instituted it as a yearly tradition, and an entire festival grew around it. Then eventually, it became a minor holiday.”

“Cloudseeker Day,” said David.

“Oh, you know of it. I haven’t met many foreigners who did.”

“I lived here for a few years when I was younger,” said the Prince with a small smile. “But that still doesn’t sate my curiosity about the Intarian obsession with building upwards. Where does the interest in the sky originate? It’s an interesting element of your culture.”

“Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah. I’ve always heard that the origins of our interest were a bit muddy. Some say one thing, others say something different.”

“I’ve heard that as well,” said David. “The most common theory seemed to involve religion. Cocora, specifically. The ancient Mohssians wanted to be closer to the Goddess of Light, so they reached for the Sun.”

“That’s the theory I like best,” said Victor. “There’s something romantic about it.”

“Heh. I can only agree.”

A lull in the conversation arrived, and David struggled for the next topic. Perhaps it was a bit early to be pushing for more detailed information, but he supposed there was no harm in asking the boy to talk. The lad could just say no, and that would be fine. There was no urgency here.

Not yet, at least.

“...Do you want to talk about Charlie?” said David.

Victor hesitated.

The Prince felt the need to clarify. “It is perfectly okay if you do not. I am merely offering an attentive ear, if you want one.”

Still, Victor remained quiet. Perhaps even he himself wasn’t sure what he wanted, right now.

Hmm. David thought for a moment. “...Well, perhaps I could talk about him, then. What little I was able to learn, at least. Would that be alright with you?”

The kid took a second, but he nodded.

“He seemed quite the energetic fellow. I only spoke with him, maybe... four times, but on each occasion, he certainly never had any trouble speaking his mind. I quite liked that about him.”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Page 3673

Victor eyed the vehicle. “I-I don’t know... I have a deposition in a couple days that I haven’t finished prepping for...”

Oh? Hmm. “Let me think. As I recall, your boss is... Senator Leoric, no?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m sure she will understand if you need to take some time off, right now. In fact, she might well force you to do so.”

“Ah... I very much doubt that, sir.”

The Prince tilted his brow. “Truly? I’ve heard the stories about her, but surely, she is not that much of a...” The words on the tip of his tongue were ‘slave-driving witch,’ but he changed them in favor of some new ones. “...Of a stern boss. Time off should be a matter of course after something like this, no?”

Victor gave him a look. His lips didn’t move, but his face said everything.

David didn’t force him to elaborate. “Well, in that case, you absolutely must come with me. You can make use of the embassy’s facilities to conduct your prep work, and if they prove insufficient, the greater castle around it has plenty more to offer. Including some quite luxurious spots, I must say.”

Victor still wasn’t saying anything, but his expression spoke of temptation.

The Prince started toward the car and opened the door, offering to let Victor get in first.

The kid looked like he was finally about to say something, but then he just hopped in.

David followed suit, told the driver their destination, and then they were off.

The tinted windows offered a now-very-familiar view of Andeyal, the Intarian capital city, as they sped down the road. The highways here very much lived up to their name, rising so far up into the air that entire office buildings could fit beneath--and often did. Many of the skyscrapers that filled the cityscape were nestled up right alongside the elevated roads, sometimes offering a surprisingly clear view into their mid-level offices.

The boy was still being quiet, so David had to be the one to revive the conversation. “These Intarian buildings of yours are something else,” he said as he craned his neck, staring out the window. “Every time I find myself on these roads, I’m tempted to bring a pair of binoculars and do some proper snooping. Perhaps try to discover exactly how many floors up we are.”

“...Depends on the building,” said Victor, “but this area’s about thirty. Highest I’ve seen was about fifty, I think.”

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Next page on the 10th

Thanks for reading, as always.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Page 3672

Prince David’s brow twitched at that reaction. “But perhaps his loss can be your gain,” he said. “I’ve just finished eating, but what say I buy you lunch, instead?”

“S-sir... that is a generous offer, but I feel I should inform you that... Charlie Rogerson is, um... well, he passed away this morning.”

Somehow, David did not feel nearly as shocked by this news as he probably should have. But appearing too calm here would do him no favors, either. “What?! What do you mean? What happened?”

Victor sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I’m still not quite sure I believe it, myself. But, um... he was in his bed, and he just... didn’t wake up. Which, I suppose actually means he passed away last night, not this morning... agh... I don’t know. It’s all been too much for me to process.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that,” said David. “I saw him not two days ago, and he seemed the very picture of health. Full of youthful zeal. I can hardly... imagine...”

Victor nodded. “I know, right? The paramedics said he was already gone by the time they arrived, but they couldn’t be sure of the cause of death yet and didn’t want to speculate. Our guess was... some freak aneurysm or something in his brain.”


“Ah. Me and the other roommates. We were all in total shock. Hell, I think I still am.”

“Understandable. You’ve had one heck of a morning.”

Victor didn’t say anything and just kept rubbing his head with a distant look in his eyes.

Wow. Talk about a tough conversation to maintain. He did his best, though. “I didn’t realize you and Charlie were roommates.”

“Yeah... been that way since university...” Victor gave a solemn shake of his head. “He was just talking about moving out the other day, actually. Not anytime soon, but just as a future goal. I thought maybe he’d found a girlfriend or something...”

Oh boy. David looked around. The street was rather busy, and his car was still waiting for him. What to do here...?

Simple enough, he decided. He couldn’t just leave the poor kid here, not without at least offering something more elaborate in the form of condolences. He bumped the young man on the shoulder with one of his gloved hands. “It sounds like you might need a bit more than just lunch, right now.” He motioned to the blue-and-white sedan on the curb. “I was just headed back to my little embassy at Livingston. Would you like to tag along? See some of the sights? And I’ll still treat you to lunch, too, if you like.”

Friday, September 6, 2024

Page 3671

This particular diner was one of several that he had been using, of late. One thing he appreciated about his time in this melting pot of a country was the opportunity to sample all the different types of cuisine that it had to offer, especially here in the heart of its capital city.

But the problem with trying new things, of course, was that they weren’t always to his taste. So perhaps that was another reason for his foul mood, at the moment. He had not enjoyed his lunch, nor even the experimental dessert thereafter. The other meals he’d tried here had been exquisite, but that one...

Maybe Jesbolese food was simply not for him. Or maybe this otherwise excellent restaurant did not know how to prepare it. He supposed he would have to give it at least one more try in order to be sure.

At length, he decided that continuing to wait like this was pointless. The young paralegal that he’d been hoping to talk to had probably forgotten. The kid had seemed a bit airheaded, after all. Or just overwhelmed with work. It was strangely difficult to tell one from the other, sometimes.

He’d already paid, so he gathered up his things, put his coat on slowly, and then finally left.

Out on the street, he had a car waiting for him in order to take him back to the Livingston Grand Castle where he was but one of many resident ambassadors.

Before he even made it three steps to the car, however, a familiar face arrived in his vision--a face which brightened with recognition in return.

“Prince David,” said the young mustachioed man. A friendly smile crossed his lips, though it seemed rather muted when compared to how amicable David remembered this fellow to be. “A pleasure to see you again, sir.”

“Likewise,” said the Prince. This was not the same young man that he had been meant to have lunch with here today, but as David recalled, the two of them were coworkers. “Young Victor Branson the Paralegal. What a coincidence. Do you fancy this place, as well?”

“Ah... yes, sir, I do. I come here all the time. Their Jesbolese meatballs are to die for.”

David had to consciously avoid wincing at that remark, considering he’d just dined on exactly that meal and reached the exact opposite conclusion. “Heh. I see. You know, I was supposed to have lunch with Charlie, but he never showed up. I was hoping to pick his brain on a couple of subjects.”

Victor’s eyes widened. “Ah...”

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Page 3670 -- CCCII.

Still, the orb remained silent.

Hector just let his words linger, feeling that he had said all he needed to.

Garovel was next to speak. ‘Damn, Hector. That even scared me a little.

Impulsively, he wanted to apologize, but he caught himself, because he was certain that he had done the right thing. ‘This Mini-Candle here needs to realize that it doesn’t know everything and that we won’t be dancing to its tune. If I wasn’t here, it wouldn’t have attacked you, but instead, it would’ve tried to manipulate you.

Oh? I suppose I’ll just have to trust your judgment on that one,’ said Garovel.

Think so?’ said Hector. ‘I’m betting you can at least feel its pull, though, can’t you? I mean, heck, you just admitted to being a power-hungry maniac, so you’re probably feeling pretty tempted to seize its power, aren’t you?

H-hey, I thought we’d moved past that already...

It was like one minute ago, Garovel.

Well, time is not time, right? That means it’s actually ancient history.

That’s not what that means at all.

Also, I never called myself a maniac. I resent you using that term.

Look, the point is, this thing would manipulate you into wielding its power and then probably turn it against you.

Ah... am I to assume that is what happened to Worwal, then?

I think so,’ said Hector. ‘And now we’re going to have this little guy undo what he did.

Uh. What makes you think he even can?

Because I’m gonna be real pissed off if he can’t.

He felt the orb shudder again.

Huh. Well, my little orby friend... I forgive you for attacking me, since you’ve just been born ‘n all, but it would appear you’ve already gotten yourself into some hot water. Best of luck to you.

Chapter Three Hundred Two: ‘A prince’s position...’
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

The heel of David’s shoe tapped rapidly against the marble floor as he eyed his watch for the twentieth time since sitting down at this small table. During his time here in Intar as an Atreyan Ambassador, he’d grown quite accustomed to playing the slow game, to being exceedingly patient, but this particular wait was proving too much even for him. He’d already ordered his meal, finished it, ordered dessert, and finished that, too.

It was hard not to be annoyed.

These “meetings” that he’d been taking of late could hardly be regarded as such. They were always with individuals who were rather low on the political totem pole, but that usually also meant that they didn’t have as much trouble making time for him. In fact, that was the main reason why he’d been pursuing them in the first place.

So it was quite obnoxious whenever one of them was a no-show.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Page 3669

Hector snickered. ‘I’m just trying to make sure you’re being entirely truthful with me. Because, Garovel, if you DO have some sort of dark ambition, I’m going to find out sooner or later. That’s not something you’ll be able to keep hidden from me forever. So I figure it’d be best if I found out sooner, considering the fact that we’re kinda stuck together.’

...Hector. You almost sound like you WANT me to harbor such ambitions.

Eh. “Want” would be a strong word. Let’s just say I’m keeping an open mind.

I’m not sure whether to find that heartwarming or very worrying,’ said Garovel.

I think you’ve earned the benefit of the doubt,’ said Hector. ‘I’m not gonna jump to some crazy new conclusions about you, just ‘cuz some judgmental little orb tells me to.

The orb pulsed again, more violently than ever.

And then it wasn’t just a pulse, anymore. A line of radiant energy lashed out like a great tentacle and snaked toward his intangible form.

Instantly, Hector’s anger returned with equal violence. ‘STOP THAT RIGHT NOW.

The entire headspace shook with each word, as if caught in a momentary earthquake, and the tentacle retracted back into the orb, which was left shuddering there in his hand.

Hector needed a moment to calm his own fury. He wasn’t mad that the thing had tried to attack him. In fact, for some reason, he felt as though it could not possibly harm him, no matter how hard it tried.

No, he was mad because it had tried to attack Garovel. In that briefest window of assault, he’d sensed its intent. It had wanted to remove the reaper from this place by force, uncaring of the harm it might cause in the process.

What’s the matter with you?’ said Hector. ‘What, you think you know everything? That you have full understanding of someone, just because you can sense a few of their secrets? And you think that justifies doing whatever you want to them?

And Hector left an opening for it to respond, but it had nothing to say, this time.

This is my warning to you,’ said Hector. ‘I sense a bit of your hubris now. You think you’re really valuable. Really special. And you are. But don’t for one second think that you’re too valuable and special to destroy. You understand me? You’ve already endangered Abbas. And now you’ve tried to harm my best friend. If you keep behaving like that, then I will make sure you can never harm anyone ever again.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Page 3668

I feel like this is a conversation we should be having in private,’ said Garovel.

I’m pretty sure this little guy isn’t gonna tell anyone.

Oh, he’s a trustworthy little guy now, is he? A minute ago, you called him an asshole.

Well, he was being one.

Another pulse.

Yes, you were. Anyway, Garovel, continue. If not in the “literal sense,” then in what sense do you want to conquer the world?

The reaper sighed. ‘Technically, I suppose... in the sense of wanting to uncover all the world’s lost and hidden knowledge... then yes, one might consider that a form of conquest. I suppose. If you squint.

There arrived still another pulse.

It says you’re leaving something out.

Ugh. FINE. Not just the lost and hidden knowledge. The lost and hidden powers, too. One could argue that I am... a bit... perhaps... slightly... power hungry. Okay? Geez. Why do you gotta make me feel so bad about it, huh? Everyone likes power, don’t they?

Hmm. What do you want to do with all that power?

I--egh--I don’t know! I just--! I want to see it! Experience it. Understand it. Maybe find new ways to put it to good use, if we can. Or... I don’t know. It’s just a... an instinctual thing, I suppose. I’ve never really been forced to articulate the entirety of my feelings on the matter like this, so... genuinely, I’m not sure what I would do. Perhaps it would depend on the exact nature of said powers.

Hector wanted to scratch his chin. ‘So you’re telling me you’re not interested in oppressing the masses?

Of course not.

Of course you’re not telling me that? Or of course you’re not interested?

Hector. Don’t even joke about that shit. I’ve seen far too many oppressors throughout history to want to become one myself. I don’t even find the idea funny.

Really? Not even a little bit? God-King Garovel?

Shut the hell up. I’d sooner let myself get eaten by a feldeath.


The Mini-Candle pulsed again.

It doesn’t believe you,’ said Hector. ‘And to be honest, I’m not sure I do, either.

Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t have to prove shit to either of you, then. I know I’m speaking the truth, and that’s all that matters.

There came a sudden period of silence as apparently no one knew what to say next.

Eventually, Hector came up with something. ‘Okay, but if you DID want to conquer the world literally, you probably wouldn’t think of it as oppressing anyone. It’d be, like, “for the greater good” or some shit, right?

I hate this conversation.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Page 3667

Uh. Are you talking to it?

Hector’s anger abated, and he might’ve blinked if he could feel his eyes. ‘Garovel! You’re here.

I am. Though I have no idea what in the world is going on.

Oh. Um. Well, this... Mini-Candle or whatever you wanna call it... uh, it’s alive, just like we thought. And it’s being an asshole, right now.

Excuse me?

It’s got an attitude problem. It wants me to abandon Abbas and take its power for myself.

Wow. Talk about ungrateful.


But, um. How are you able to communicate with it, precisely?

Hmm. That was a good question. ‘I don’t know. I guess I’m just... reading its aura?

Ah. So it’s a new, unprecedented thing you can do. Cool.


No, I’m happy for you. That’s super neat. I’m sure it’ll come in handy.

The sarcasm in your voice is painful.

Is it? Ah, my bad. I frequently find myself wanting to give you a hard time for no reason.

Well, at least you’re acknowledging it.

The Mini-Candle pulsed in his hand another time. It was protesting again, Hector realized. It wanted him to remove Garovel from this headspace and talk only to it.

What’s it saying?’ asked the reaper.

Rather than getting angry, however, Hector couldn’t help being amused. ‘It doesn’t like you, Garovel. It wants me to abandon you, too.

Wait, what? The fuck did I do?

Dunno. Hey, Mini-Candle, what’s your problem with Garovel?

It pulsed again. Hector listened. For a while, actually. It just kept going on.

...Well?’ said Garovel.

Uh. Okay, first off: you’re a reaper. It doesn’t like reapers.

Oh, so it’s racist, too. Excellent. Wait, how does it even know what reapers are? It was just born, wasn’t it?

Beats me. Maybe it absorbed knowledge from the Candle.

Okay, well, what else? I assume there was more.

Er. To make a long story short... it said that it can sense your desire to conquer the world.

What the hell?

Well, Garovel? What do you have to say for yourself? Have you secretly wanted to conquer the world this whole time?


Oh yeah? Why’d you stutter there?

Agh, bec-because! It’s such an out-of-nowhere question! I was taken aback!


Hector, please. You’re killin’ me here.

I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time someone’s told me that reapers are secretive and ambitious...

Buddy. I don’t want to conquer the world.’ The reaper paused. ‘At least, not in the literal sense.

The small orb pulsed yet again.

It wants to know what you mean by that,’ said Hector.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Page 3666

This was dangerous.

Supremely so, Hector felt.

No. Actually, he didn’t feel that. In fact, that was the whole problem. He felt the power there in his hand. Felt the desire to hold it closer, to use it, to wield it wildly and experimentally. To begin limit-testing right away.

But he knew this feeling. He’d felt it once before. During his meditations.

When he’d gone so deep into his own mind that he felt like he’d touched the so-called Void.

This was like that. Almost exactly like it, actually.

Which was more than enough to give him pause.


If he hadn’t had that experience already, then he might not have realized the danger here. His emotions, his feelings--they were telling him to push on. To grasp this power and do as he pleased.

It was only his rational mind that was keeping him in check.

His focus lingered on the ball of molten energy in the palm of his hand. Such a curious thing. Like it wanted him to use it. Like it was daring him to, even.

It made Hector wonder something. Had Abbas made contact with this, too? And had he, perhaps, been seduced by its energizing allure?

This had happened many times before. Countless times, in fact, across history. Brilliant minds creating or discovering something incredible, only for it to destroy them.

The memories from the Candle told him so.

Dammit. Perhaps he should’ve warned Abbas. Agh, but how could he have? It hadn’t seemed like his place to warn such an old and experienced servant about anything. Had Abbas truly never encountered this sort of thing before?

Impossible to tell now.

Worse still, Hector was realizing that Abbas’ current condition might actually be much worse than a mere week-long coma. If the man had not only touched this but actually embraced it fully and tried to wield it immediately like it was tempting Hector to do, then...

There was a chance that Abbas and Worwal would never wake up at all.

That realization made Hector bristle with irritation. His focus shifted again, bringing everything to bear upon the power in his hand.

Damn light. This was not going to happen. Hector was not going to allow it.

We are not going to let Abbas stay that way,’ thought Hector. ‘You understand me, you little ball of fury?

He felt it shudder in his grasp. It was saying something. Protesting? Telling him to seize its power for himself. To forget Abbas.

That pissed Hector off immensely. ‘Out of the question,’ he thought, his voice booming with reverberation. ‘He created you, goddammit.