‘This bites,’ said Voreese. ‘Now that we know there’s definitely a secret here, it’s going to bother the shit out of me until we figure it out.’
‘Which could be never,’ said Roman.
‘That is not helping my mental state, right now.’
‘Hmm. Maybe there’s only one switch, and we just have to press it in the right way. Like with rhythmic timing or something.’
‘Ugh, god. You wanna just head back and start pressing it over and over again, hoping to get lucky?’
‘I mean... no. But it’s worth a shot, I guess, considering we have no other leads. I’m not sure going around this giant tower, hoping to get lucky with finding another incredibly well-hidden switch is any better. Especially considering there could be MANY more switches. Hell, they could even be in the other towers, for all we know.’
‘Aw, fuck me. When you put it like that, it seems pretty obvious that we need to enlist some help.’
Roman gave a nod. ‘Sure, but everyone around here has a lot goin’ on. And I don’t know if I want to drag them into some wild goose chase.’
‘Not the kids. I’m sure they’ll love a wild goose chase. Just gotta turn it into a game.’
He scratched his chin. ‘Hmm. That might actually work. And I bet the kids could use the distraction, too. I doubt they’re thrilled about being cooped up down here all the time.’
‘Hah. Spoken like someone who hasn’t been paying much attention to them. Most of the little scamps seem to love this place.’
‘Really? That’s surprising.’
‘Why? There’s so much shit around here to explore, and they have plenty of friends to play with. Gina’s been getting them access to all sorts of entertainment, too. Books, TV shows, movies, video games. You name it, they’ve probably got it.’
‘Damn. Gina’s been doing all that? I did think she seemed busier than usual, lately.’
‘Yeah, some of the Rainlords asked her to assist them with setting up a makeshift academy for the kiddos while they’re stuck here. Don’t want them to fall behind on their educational development because of all the bullshit goin’ on.’
‘Sounds like a lot of work to be dumping on Gina. She doesn’t need more on her plate.’
‘Maybe so, but it wasn’t like they forced her into it. She just likes to help out.’
‘Believe me, I know.’
‘You worried she’ll burn herself out?’
Roman let his feet touch the floor, and he started walking. ‘She has a nasty habit of taking care of everyone except herself. I should go check on her, actually.’