Sunday, May 12, 2024

Page 3584

Roman hovered through the air as he made his way through one of the two still-unnamed towers of Warrenhold. The stony floors were still dusty enough that he could make out visible tracks in them from where people had walked through in recent weeks--and maybe months, judging from the more faded tracks. Those might’ve belonged to the initial survey team that Hector had employed to help him explore and map out the castle grounds.

At the moment, this particular tower was only being used for storage--and only a little. Even when all the Rainlords had been present, this gigantic castle had not felt terribly crowded. The six named towers had been plenty spacious enough for everyone and everything. These other two had only been used for storing materials that were relevant to the castle’s all-important hydroelectric generator, sat below one of them.

Roman had been internally debating whether they should dub that one the Generator Tower. These things needed names, and it would be fitting. But on the other hand, perhaps it would be better to be more discreet about the location of the generator. The more obvious they made it, the more vulnerable it might be to some form of sabotage in the future.


That’s probably what Hector would say if he broached the subject, Roman decided. The kid was pretty damn concerned about security, he’d noticed.

As he should be, Roman figured. This place had already become a focal point for the safety of the nation, it seemed. If the enemy realized how important Warrenhold was--and how powerful its current inhabitants were--then it was fairly likely that someone would send some manner of infiltrator here, eventually.

Roman intended to be quite vigilant on that front.

As did Voreese. That was one of the reasons why she’d been asking him to pay extra visits to these two empty towers: to make sure there were no secret squatters here. No unexpected visitors. The tracks in the dust were actually helpful to that end. As was he his ability to levitate and avoid leaving tracks of his own.

Plus, it made for decent practice, controlling his power over particle vibrations like this. It required slow, gentle precision on his part. Not like the haphazard flight that he’d grown more accustomed to.

The other reason she’d wanted to visit these towers, however, was because she suspected there were secrets here. Hidden areas that the survey team may have missed.

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