Friday, May 10, 2024

Page 3583

And to that end, Roman had begun restructuring several of his own companies and organizations in an effort to prepare for the future. Naturally, he’d been hit rather hard by this economic crisis that Atreya had been dealing with, so a restructure had needed to happen, regardless, but he was certainly taking a different approach to it than he would have a year or two ago.

He needed more flexibility. The vast majority of his money was tied up in things. He didn’t like letting it just sitting around, doing nothing, when he could instead invest in people who were trying to build things for their communities.

A nice idea, certainly. He’d helped a lot of people that way. Helped create work for tens of thousands of Atreyan citizens, mostly without even meeting any of them.

But now he was thinking that it sure would’ve been helpful if he could’ve freed up more of that cash without having to liquidate entire companies, especially at a time like this when those people needed their jobs more than ever. If he’d invested more into real estate, for example, then he could’ve flipped a bunch of properties and funneled a lot more cash into Hector’s direction during this critical period. Which probably would’ve helped even more people out.

But eh. It was hard to know that for sure. Things were never really so cut and dry, were they? Especially when it came to multi-million troa businesses.

Perhaps he could free up some room with some of his underground workers. Technically, they were criminals, and if he was going keep spending so much time around the new hero of Atreya, it would be risky to keep conducting business via extralegal means; but on the other hand, those businesses were actually the best sources of the “flexibility” that he was looking for. And the criminals he employed would just find work elsewhere if he let them go.

Much worse work, probably. The non-victimless kind. The temptation to which only increased during times like this.

No, it was better to keep those under management. He’d just have to be even more careful than usual.

Thankfully, Warrenhold was a good place to hide. For the time being, anyway. If Hector ever decided to open it up to the public, then Roman would definitely have to leave.

Or disguise himself as a janitor, maybe. That might be fun. Hadn’t done that one in a while.

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