Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Page 3547 -- CCXCV.

Oh?’ said Garovel. ‘Saw something else?

Before Hector could respond, however, his phone went off. He dematerialized some of his leg armor in order to fish it out of his pants and saw that it was Ms. Rogers calling. He answered it.

<“Lord, there is pressing news from Vantalay. The Rainlords would like to talk to you. Would you mind returning to--?”>

A rustling noise arrived, and then someone else was speaking.

<“We’ve received a very strange offer, Lord Goffe.”> That was Joana Cortes from the sound of it. <“And we would like your opinion.”>

Chapter Two Hundred Ninety-Five: ‘An archdemon’s pursuit...’
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Nibas clutched his head again, squinting hard as the unwelcome thoughts returned, setting his vision aflame and burning the inside of his skull. Confusion was trying to grip him again. He could feel it. Powerful and tempting. Ancient and inviting.

But he had anger on his side. He would not bend. He still remembered. He still had his walls. Still had himself.

“Morgunov,” came that familiar double-voice on his left. “Don’t forget. Use me as your anchor. The sound of my voice. Hold onto it. Don’t forget.”

Nibas was getting annoyed with him, too. “Stop reminding me. I remember just fine.”

“No, you don’t. You have to trust me, right now.”

“Why should I? You’re not even real! You’re just an illusion, like all the others!”

“Yes, but I’m not your illusion. I’m my own. And I’ve come to help you. Remember? You were in a bad spot until I bailed you out.”

“I was having fun!”

“You were being killed.”

“Which was fun!”

The voice sighed.

Nibas was still having trouble placing it. So familiar. Agh. “What’s your name?”

“Gohvis. Remember.”

“Ah! Gohvis! You came to help me?! No wonder I think you’re an illusion! The real Gohvis would never do that!”

“You of all people should know that there is no such thing as ‘never.’”

“Oho! True enough, I suppose!”

“Circumstances are too complicated, at the moment. Just keep listening to my voice. Trust that I am your ally here. You can still make it through this.”

Nibas shook his head. Yes. Strangely enough, he knew the voice spoke true. They’d had this conversation before, hadn’t they?

How troubling.

Where was he again? A large cave, quite clearly. He strained to recall further details.

Ah, yes. Not just any cave. It was one of his caves. A labyrinthine network that he’d carved out decades ago. No. Centuries? Yes, centuries.

Ehehe. Finally getting to use it, eh? Nice, nice.

Now where had he been going?

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