Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Page 3538

“Have I?” said Rathmore, sounding mildly curious, though more haggard than anything. “So after all is said and done, you do value my opinion.”

“Hah. Of course. I should think that obvious by now.”

“The only obvious thing is that you take great joy in belittling me and my work.”

“Oh? Perhaps so. But what should that matter, if you are the genius that everyone says you are? A truly great man would not be bothered by any of my playful jabs, surely.”

Rathmore stepped toward the Gate. “When the most powerful man in the world makes it his life’s mission to ruin my own, what is there to be done? Tell me, O, Nykeir the Great. In what ways have I erred in my dealings with you? What other paths might I have taken and when? Please, be quite specific.”

“You are sounding rather bitter, my friend.”

“And you are sounding rather predictable.”

“Am I? What shall I say next, then?”

“Something either self-congratulatory or derisive of me, I’m sure.”

Nykeir chortled. “I shall have to mix things up, then. I do so hate being predictable.”

Rathmore placed his hand against the Gate, saying nothing.

“Here, allow me to administer a well-earned compliment. Of the two reasons I brought you to this place, one of them was to have you tell me what you know of these monoliths.”

“In what capacity does that qualify as a compliment?”

“You do not see? Because I am wondering if you may know something that I do not! The most flattering of notions, no?”

“You sicken me, madman.”

Nykeir scoffed. “Biting words--and wholly undeserved. Please, my friend. You must have learned something of these things during your time with them. Else you would not have been able to alter them as you have.”

Rathmore turned to look at him again. “Yes,” he said, suddenly confident. “I did learn of them. Many things, in truth. And that is knowledge you shall never possess.”

“Oh, do not be so quick to say so. If you tell me, I shall let you live.”

“You will let me live, regardless.”

“Hmm-hmm, you believe so?”

“Yes. Because of the other reason you brought me here. I have realized what it is.”

“Heh. Speak it, then.”

“You want to watch me suffer. You brought me so that I would see my work undone. My time and energy, wasted. And at your hands, naturally.”

Nykeir was silent for a few moments. Then somehow, Hector felt like he could see a smile appear on that blurry face of his. “I shan’t deny it.”

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