Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Page 3537

When the fire finally died all the way back down, it was as expected. Aside from the Gate itself, only mounds of ash remained, which were already beginning to blow away in the wind.

Disappointed, Hector thought this might already be the end of the memory. No new information to be gleaned.

Then two figures stepped into view, one of whom was stumbling forward, as if having been pushed.

They were both blurry, just as before, but he did not have long to wait in order to begin learning their identities.

“Rathmore, Rathmore, Rathmore,” said the more composed one, sounding almost pitying. “See what has become of all your tireless work.”

Rathmore had fallen to his hands and knees and was struggling to stand.

“The worst is to know that this could have been avoided,” said the composed man, stepping closer. “If you had but listened. Accepted my terms. But no. You were in love, I suppose. And for that, I am possessed of a morsel of sympathy.” He broke for a laugh. “Never have I known a fortress more impenetrable to the sieges of reason.”

Finally on his feet again, Rathmore still wasn’t answering. Instead, he’d begun sifting through the smoldering heap of dust, leaving fleeting clouds in his wake.

“Looking for something? I left nothing to find. Apart from that lone monolith. Quite the irritants, these Materials of yours. Or was it Tools? Which name was it again?”

Rathmore ignored him and just kept digging.

“You are wasting your time, my friend. I promise you that I was quite thorough. Ah, but perhaps you wonder how I am so certain. It is because I have already visited several of these other sites. This may be the first time you are present for it, but it is not my first time doing this. Hah. For a man heralded as a genius, these constructs of yours were all surprisingly similar in how primitive they were. Hardly even worth calling forges, in my view. I made sure to burn the heart and roots out of each and every one.”

Rathmore’s hands stopped moving, and he slumped down onto his knees again. “Why bring me here?”

“Aha. Glad am I that you have asked. Two reasons, truth be told. But they are... conflicting, now that I am thinking on it. Hmm.” The man scratched his head. “Alas, perhaps you have made me somewhat unreasonable, myself.”

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