Monday, September 18, 2023

Page 3405

“What in the world could a man like him be ‘useful’ for?” said Graves as he stepped closer to Zeff and Gohvis. His voice was soft and low, and his intonation was so mild that it sounded as if he might be physically incapable of getting angry.

“Organization,” said Gohvis. “His foremost utility is bureaucratic. As despised as he may be, Abolish has precious few who could replace him--and even fewer who would want to after they understand the breadth of his responsibility, especially now that Gunther and Dunhouser are gone.”

Graves paused for a dull blink. “I must confess that I was not expecting such a banal answer.”

“Well, there is also the matter of defense against Vanguardian aggression. Abolish does still have need of his strength, as well, I suppose.”

“Okay, now that explanation, I know you don’t believe,” said Graves.

Gohvis gave a hulking shrug. “I have no use for his strength, true. But... some within Abolish may yet.”

“...You’re really just saving him because you’re a lazy bastard, aren’t you? Don’t want to have any of his operations lumped onto your plate, hmm?”

A beat passed as the Monster of the East returned a blank expression. “Yes.”

Graves shook his head and sighed. “I can almost respect your honesty, at least...”

“Imagine if I was trying to kill your Magician.”

“Oh, come on, that’s not a fair comparison, and you know it.”

“No? Perhaps Eckard, then?”

“That man is quite literally your captive as we speak.”

“Mm? Truly? A bad example, then. I will concede that. But you still see my overall point, yes?”

Graves scratched his nose. “Oddly enough, I... do. That’s a rough one, buddy.”

Zeff didn’t know what he was hearing. His anger was mixed equally with confusion, now. These two warring juggernauts were sounding suddenly more like beleaguered middle managers who’d bumped into one another at a business conference.

“But if I can admit that much,” said Graves, “then can you admit to sympathizing with the difficult position you’re putting me in?”

Gohvis required a moment. “...I can, yes.”

“Well, alright. Then maybe we can come to terms.”

“Perhaps so.”

What the hell? Zeff couldn’t help taking another look around at all the devastation that still surrounded them in this conversation. Was he really the only one hearing this, right now?

Actually, it seemed so. It was a bit difficult to tell with all the rubble everywhere, but he didn’t see, nor could he sense, any other conscious people here. Had Graves subdued everyone else?