Sunday, July 16, 2023

Page 3362

After everything they’d been through together, it was somehow much more tempting to say the things that he knew would irritate.

Perhaps, deep down, some part of him had been wanting this day to come. Wanting to see if Gohvis would truly go this far.

But no. Reason needed to win out, today. Too much was at stake.

“Very well,” said Dozer. He moved for the large chair by his sprawling bed and took a seat. “Speak your piece. I promise to listen in earnest.”

For a time, Gohvis was again quiet, no doubt trying to choose his words carefully.

Dozer just waited for him.

“...I have seen what you are looking for in this place,” said the Scourge. “I can help you find it. But in exchange, you must agree to help me achieve my goal, as well.”

Dozer cocked an eyebrow. “What you’ve just described was our original arrangement, no? And were you not the one who first declared that our two dreams were incompatible with one another?”

“...Yes,” said Gohvis. “But I have since discovered new information which has changed my mind.”

Dozer rubbed his temple with one knuckle. “Well, now, that is interesting, because I’ve heard you say it so often and for so long that I think I might’ve come to believe it, myself. So please explain to me what this new information is.”

“I would be happy to,” said Gohvis, “but not in Engomat’s presence.”

Dozer scoffed. “You cannot be serious.”

“Unfortunately, I am. Please, Father. Disengage your hyper-state, send Engomat away, and I will explain. And perhaps, when I do you no harm, you will finally realize beyond doubt that I am still loyal to you.”

“Hardly. You say all of that as if I would be entirely at your mercy without Engomat’s help.”

“No, Father. You are already at my mercy. You may not want to acknowledge it, but the truth is, my strength surpassed yours long ago.”

Dozer couldn’t help smiling a little. He had to admire the lad’s confidence, at least. “If that’s so, then why do you not simply force me to submit, then take the whole of Abolish for yourself?”

“Because that is a different matter altogether. I have never coveted your position. How many times must I say that before you finally believe me?”

“Words are cheap, son.”

“Then what of my actions? Never once have I moved against you.”

“Well, that is not exactly true, now is it?”

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