There was, however, someone else already present. Hector only just now noticed the figure descending slowly from the sky over yonder. And even though he couldn't yet make out who it was with his eyes--which admittedly weren't working so well, at the moment--he could still tell who it was. Kind of.
He supposed it was aura again, but he'd never actually sensed Roman's aura before. Not like this, at least.
It felt more like an educated guess than actual knowledge. That warmth. That concern. That curiosity. Not to mention, the ability to fly? Yeah, that seemed like Roman. Hector waved him closer, since he seemed hesitant.
And indeed, Roman's approach sped up, and the man landed softly at his side. "H-Hector? You... ah..." His gaze went toward the reaper, and he said nothing more, perhaps not wanting to let something slip.
Hector appreciated that, but at this point, he wasn't sure it would've even mattered all that much. "I'm okay," he said tiredly. It was a statement to himself as much as it was to Roman. He just had to hold it together for a little while longer. "This guy says he wants to surrender."
"I, uh... I see."
'Yes. My name is Grigozo, and I am throwing myself upon your mercy. Please, I beg you. Spare my life. I will do you no harm.'
Roman scratched his temple, looking arguably even more uncertain than Hector felt. "Just like that, eh? If the roles were reversed, would you have been merciful to us?"
'If it had been up to me, then yes, I would have. Perhaps you will not believe that, but it is the truth. But I will admit that you would likely not have been spared, regardless of my feelings. My relationship with my servant was... not like the relationships that you enjoy, I suspect.'
Roman gave Hector a sidelong glance. The expression on his face looked at first doubtful, then perhaps just worried about Hector again.
Hmm. Did he really look that bad, right now? Well, he sure felt like it, so it wouldn't be that surprising. Was his neck broken? And maybe his spine, too? Agh, he didn't want to think about it. Better to focus on the conversation.
"Are you telling us that you were just a hapless victim this whole time?" said Hector. "That Banda Toro was the only one who meant us harm?"